A Stroll to a Chase

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It was early on in the morning, and Leopold was just finishing up with his early morning training to refresh himself for the day. On the way back to his overwhelmingly large home of the House of Vermillion. He hears a rustling in the bushes. This is normal, as it is early morning, and some animals may be waking up. Then he hears a few yips.

"Odd.. There aren't normally foxes so close to the manor.." Leopold comments to himself, instantly recognizing the small mewls and yips of a fox. Kneeling down by the bush, Leopold sticks his hand into the thorny, gooseberry bush, full of ripe berries.

Pushing through the pain, as he has been through much worse while training, Leopold comes across something much softer within the thorny bush. Cupping the furry creature under it's chest he pulls it out carefully, trying not to hurt it by scraping it against the thorns.

He then spots a muddy coat protrude from the bush, and a very irritated fox staring right back at him, with  large, blue eyes. It growls at him, and slightly nips at his wrist, but he ignores it, and pulls the canine fully out of the bush.

Staring at the muddy fox before him, that is still growling, Leopold sets his hand near the fox's nose, who nips at his hand, drawing a small bit of blood, then not even bothering with sniffing the boy.

Hopping off of Leopolds lap, it's fur spikes up as it raises it's hackles, gowling at Leopold, visible black smoke could be spotted rolling off of the fox's tongue as it spits a small tendril of fire at Leopold before running off into the patch of thorny gooseberry bushes.

Leopold, surprised by the appearance of fire, despite a weak one. A fire breathing fox is something worthy of the Vermillion name, and Leopold has decided that, the firebreathing fox shall be his companion.

"Hey! Get back here!" Leopold shouts, chasing after the fast critter, blundering through the thorny bushes, effectively shredding the bottoms of his pants. Spotting the fox in an open clearing, Leopold leaps for the thing, and grabbing it from right under it's armpits.

The fox wriths under his grasp, as Leopold grins triumphantly.  "You are now my faithful pet, fox! I shall dub you Kai! And you will follow my every command!" The fox does not appear to be paying Leopold any attention as it tries to escape the teen's grasp.

Holding the fox over his elbow, who is still biting Leopold, he continues on his way home. Eager to show off his new fire breathing companion.

Continuing on his way back to his manor, ignoring the several attempts at getting free from the fox, he begins talking to it. "So, your feelings about being taken in by me? The greatest to be magic knight!"

The fox seemingly rolls its blue eyes and snaps at him, although the fox only manages to grab hold of his shirt. "Hey! You mutt! Let go of that!" Leopold shrieks, pulling the cloth forcefully from the fox's maw. Who let go of the shirt quickly, only to bite down on Leopold's hand.

Screeching at the bite, Leopold hits  the animal's snout, trying to be gentle, with his his other hand. "Kai" huffs as if saying, "you can do better than that."

Leopold responds, as if he understood his newfound pets, "yeah, yeah whatever."  He didn't actually understand what Kai had meant.

After a few minutes of walking through the unusually calm meadow, probably because Leopold isn't causing any damage right now, he finally spots the manor in the distance. Built with stone, clay, and bronze bricks to create outer designs that are overall abstract flames.

The front door being large, wooden doors with gold rims(melted with steel). Two golden lions decorating the doors. Other statues of lions lead up to the door, said statues surrounded by near perfect flowers. The Vermillion's aren't really ones for gardening and flowers, but they look nice.

Walking up on a stone path that looks weathered, but actually was just made to look like that, Leopold waltz in. As he enters, the guards(which are pretty much the minions before the big boss), bow towards the teen. Recognizing him as one of their employers.

Leopold gives them no soft of acknowledgement as he passes, although, as he struts down the corridors to the baths, to get the fox cleaned up. As it was honestly disgusting at the moment.

Ggoing into the baths Leopold grabs a towel, deciding that water is good enough for right now. Looking outside the room he looks around for a maid or butler. Pointing at one with his free hand, holding Kai, and the towel in the other. Leopold demands, "you, over there. Bathe my pet."

The maid responds with a pleasant smile and a nod, "of course, young master!" Slowly reaching out to take the fox, that Leopold is holding out for her. He snaps at the woman, as if to say, "I'm already dealing with one human, I don't need another touching me!" Then he jumps out of Leopolds arms and races down the corridor.

Spitting out a few curses, Leopold chases after the fox. Leaving behind a rather shocked maid. Her hazel eyes wide, as she clutches her nearly tore off hand.

Feet pat against the stone floor as the chase begins. For a second time of the day. As Leopold rounds the corner, he doesn't see Kai. "Where could that brat be..?" Leopold growls to himself in question, walking down the hallway carefully. Listening and looking for any sign of the fox.

He hears the tiny patter of footsteps within a room. Rushing to the area that he herad it from, he it against 2 doors. Door number 1 leading into his own room door, and right next to that door is an open one. This door leading into a storage room. 

This room containing old furniture, sheets, decorations, and paintings. It's mainly just for the staff when there are dinner parties. Or if Leopold wants to change up his room a little bit. Closing the door behind him, so that Kai couldn't sneak out, Leopold stalks around the room. Looking under shelves, around crates, and under sheets. 

He then spots a small flash of muddy white race across the wall, and Leopold leaps for the fox, and grabs the mischievous creature. Holding Kai against his body, he stares at the fake orchid within his maw, as he stares back up at Leopold with big, blue eyes. 

Carrying Kai back to baths, strutting into the male section. Leopold decides that he will clean his pet by himself! He doesn't need a maid hurt because of the bratty fox! No! Leopold can take the pain!

WIth a battle cry, Leopold places Kai into the shallower section of the water, which the fox doesn't like at all. Holding him down with one hand, Leopold grabs a bucket of warm water, and dumps it onto the fox's body. Allowing the looser minerals, and dirt to trickle off it's back and down Kai's legs. 

It overall took many battle cries, lots of energy, and lots of blood to bathe Kai. Walking out, looking quite dishevealed and glad that Kai's flames aren't that hot, Leopold is dead tired, and it's only 10 o' clock in the morning. 

Locking Kai up in a guest room near his own, he decides that Kai will sleep there. For the time being. Meanwhile, Leopold goes to eat breakfast, something that he had skipped out on, wanting to get to training immediatly. 

Sitting at the comically large dining table in the grand dining hall, Leopold leans back in his chair, running his tan fingers through his messy hair, declaring loudly, sounding quite exasperated, "Man I'm beat...!"

The head chef brings out the food, enough to feed Leopold and then have a few leftovers for the servants, and maybe feed the rumored new 'pet' of their master. Plated before Leopold is a platter of eggs, another plate of fresh fruit(garnished with flowers), bacon and ham on another plate, and a small bowl of grits. 

After eating, Leopold takes an empty plate from a stack and covers it with left over food. He isn't really sure what foxes eat, but he has an idea.. Considering when he found Kai, he was in a berry bush. So they probably eat fruit.. Then, what kind of dog does not eat meat? Foxes are related to dogs right..?

So, Leopold just fills the plate with a little bit of everything. "I'm going to hit the hay..!" Leo groans, stretching an arm behind his head as he carries the plate with the other. Although, the teen did not mean, literally hitting hay. No, He does not want to train right now. Leopold is going to bed, right after he delivers this food to Kai.

Walking into the room, he notices a very important factor. Two, very important factors, to be precise. One, there is no fox in the room. Two, there is an open window.

 With a sigh, Leopold shouts, "You little shit!" Placing the plate of food on the dresser quite violently. 

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