Tsuku does not like collars

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About another week had passed since the discovery of Tsuku-chan's rubber like body that unfuls like a bad yo-yo when his bottom is not supported. That shok the family thoroughly, they weren't even capable of speaking for a few hours after that event. Fuegoreon was able to take Tsuku away from Mereoleona she was so shook at the moment, to which, he begins examining the fox for any supernatural qualities of the creature.

There were actually a few odd things such as the compact heat in it's lungs, and the extreme amount mana(that was almost humanlike within the fox). Although there was about as much mana in the fox as there was in an adult civilian that utilizes magic in a daily practice. Or a low ranking magic knight.

Although, that's still a TON of mana for a damn fox! It was still early in the morning and Leopold had just got ready for the day, Tsuku, strangely enough turning away from the teen as he changed. Yes, the boy was naked at some point, nor did Leo want the fox to watch him, but how would the fox be able to comprehend that things don't usually look at naked things?

Anways, once Leopold was done, he said, jokingly, "I'm done," and the fox turns around. Leopold blinks at the action, but shrugs it off with a slight chuckle. He had a feeling, the fox had suddenly awoken in Mereoleona's room one day and she had yelled at the fox for looking, but who knows? He kind of doubts that, but you never know.

"Anyways, we're going out shopping today..!" Leopold coughs, although his voice becomes a bit more chipper, and a little less awkward. Or maybe one drowned out the other? Tsuku tilts his head at this statement, why in world would Leopold want to go out shopping?

"Don't give me that look, Fuegoreon is making me interact with my family," Leopold states, flopping down on the next to Tsuku, who plops onto Leopold's belly, who then proceeds to scratch behind the fox's ears. Tsuku lets out a trill and licks Leopolds face, "Welp, we have to go." Leopold hops up off the bed, Tsuku with a slight yelp.

Leopold digs through his closet for something, then he pulls it out, a leash and a collar. Tsuku tilts his head at the objects curiously, not really sure as to what they are. Leopold clips the ruby red collar around Tsuku's neck and Tsuku then realizes what had just happened. The damage dad already been done though.

As Tsuku attempts to run off, Leopold holds onto the collar, and clips the leash on. Tsuku lets out a series of yowls and growls. Most of all translating roughly to, "you damned human! Chaining me down like some sort of animal! You will pay! I curse you down until your last living relative dies a most gruesome death! I shall kill you myself boy! Heed my warning as soon as I'm off these chains you will pay!"

Although it just sounded like a small dog yapping right now. The collar had some sort of anti-barking magic on it, although it wasn't very good magic, considering Tsuku was still yipping away, probably insulting Leopold and everyone dear to him at the moment.

Leopold drags the fox out of his room and to the living room, where there are the two guests that are the reason why Tsuku hates him so much right now. Mimosa and Kirsch Vermillion. Kirsch, probably the more annoying out of the two with long hair and flattering eyes. He was quite feminine to say the least.

Mimosa, a bit quieter out of the two, although when you got her going she talked endlessly. She has long ginger ahir, although her hair was shorter than Kirsch's own hair. What's with the Vemillions and long hair?

So, the group leaves the Vermillion manor, and head down to the market place, Leopold quite bored, and Tsuku quite angry. Kirsch coos over Tsuku, whom enjoys the attention quite a bit, and Mimosa off to the side attempting to hold the fluffy, white fox. Leopold didn't really care, although his eyes glimmered a bit upon spotting a few cool weapons here and there.

They then pass a stand that hand a bunch of stuffed animals laid out on it. Tsuku perks up upon spotting this stand and hops out of Kirsch's unsuspecting arms and onto the stand, "Hey! Get back here!" He cries, grabbing Tsuku as soon as the fox lands on the stand.

"What in the world do you want from here?" Leopold asks, raising a brow at the mundane looking dolls. Unless the fox can sniff out magic, that'd be really cool, although Leopold felt no magic from the stuffed animals.

Tsuku waves his tail, gesturing to all the stand has to offer. "We can't get all of it," Leopold states bluntly, Tsuku lets out a whine. "I'm not carrying it all and I don't see you going to carry this all anytime soon!" Leopold states. The magical pressure in the area spikes from Tsuku, although it dims down as quickly as it started.

"Okie then.. Which 3 do you want?" Leopold asks, voice now squeakier than usual. Tsuku yips and pokes his nose at 3 different plushies. A fox, a chicken, and a dragon. "The chicken and the dragon are ugly, let's just get the fox for now," Leopold states, already paying for the fox, grabbing his own fox, and walking off.

The fox plush in Tsuku's maw, although he wriggles it between his arms, and the fox trills, quite satisfied with his purchase. Not exactly his purchase, but close enough to be considered his purchase. "No,w you better not tear it up!" Leopold huffs as the group of Vermillions continue their adventure through the marketplace.

Upon returning home, the group plops down in the livingroom, with servants bringing them snacks of fruit and the finest of water and fruit cocktails. The windows open, letting in a flowery breeze. As Leopold sits there, Kirsch, next to him, undoes the boy's current braid and starts braiding it again, using his magic to dot his hair with sakuras.

Leopold allowed it to happen, although didn't know about flowers being braided into his hair. A giggly Mimosa starts to braid Kirsch's hair. Tsuku pops up from his chair and bounds over to Mimosa.

When it is all said and done, Leopold has a flower braid, Kirsch has a regular braid, and Mimosa has a regular braid. Despite no one sitting behind Mimosa except for Tsuku.

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