Chapter 6.5: Hello, My Name is... pt2

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After about one to two hours(I've never been to a fan meet so I don't know how long they last) we were at about the last 10 fans left.

The boy in front of me was named Andy Galligah. He was really a looker with shiny black hair that dropped down to his eyes, lashes were super long, pale hands with long fingers painted baby blue
(Yoongi is kinda gay for this boyy) .He didn't even look at my face so I lifted his chin with my finger and leaned closer to him so we were about two inches apart from the nose.

"You're really pretty Andy." He stared back wide-eyed and for the next few seconds, we just looked at each other without breaking contact with my finger still supporting his face. It wasn't until Jin cleared his throat that the boy then fumbled with his book, mumbled thanks and almost tripped down the stage.

With the next girl, I just said hi and found my name bookmarked on the side. Opening it to my page it said, "Remember me?" I looked up and thought her face was familiar but she was wearing really thick spectacles and a solid black mask. I'm sure I have never seen her at a fan meet.

She reached her right hand to my face and stroked my cheek a little, resting her face on her left hand and pulled the masked down. The mole, it was the girl from yesterday. I lifted up her glasses and it was her. She smiled as she stuffed the glasses and mask, pulling out a thinner pair of glasses and clumsily pushed them up on her face.       

"I was a little worried if you would have forgotten me already" She looked up at me... I didn't know what to do so I just looked at her while she smiled back at me, grinning. 

"What's your name?" I blurted out. 

She chuckled and said back. "I never said my name did I?" "No, you didn't. What is your name?"

The staff made a gesture behind my shoulder and the girl just nodded, looking at the staff then back at me. She stood up, taking her book from my hand, replacing it with a small note. Halfway down the stairs as I watched her leave. *" Thank you for last night. I really enjoyed it."* She winked at me and continued out the doors. 

Confused I looked back at my members wide-eyed at me. 

*"  I knew it. Yoongi did it."* *" Jimin, shut your jamm-less ass up."*

With the rest of the boys quietly snickering and Jimin jumping at my retort, the day ended. 

--- What was in the note??? Anyone curious?----


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