Sero is my bb

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dis b bnha related because im in the Mood™

also u are in this bitch

and i copied some parts of this from a bnha tumblr donT SUE ME-

your quirk is some kinda weird thing where you can make your hair move at your will and grow long to better move, and it can turn sharp and attack and stuff. you have to cut it after it grows, ofc. the max range it can go currently is around three times your size.

(ur a girl here bc its easier for me to do this imsorry)


You walked around the school building, opening a water bottle you bought from a vending machine in the cafeteria. It was lunch time at U.A., and you usually spent it alone. You were in the General Studies course, class 1-C, transfer student from the US, though you were quite forgotten by everyone, and you were constantly interrupted whenever you spoke. You didn't mind it, though, as you were used to people being like that towards you. At this point you just stopped trying to remind people you existed. Therefore, you had no one to be with at lunch, and it didn't bother you much. The place you usually went though was occupied today though, it seemed.

As you turned a corner to the tree you always sat under, you saw two students sparring near it. It was a boy with bi-colored hair(white on the right side and red on the left) and a wide scar on his left eye, and a boy with black hair that almost went to his shoulders and a wide, triangular smile. Stopping in your tracks, you stared at their fight. The bi-colored boy seemed to have a fire-and-ice quirk, and the other boy shot what you assumed was tape from his oddly shaped elbows. Both are form the Hero Course, no doubt.

You considered asking them to spar somewhere else but you decided otherwise, as it would sound rude. You sighed, and started walking past them to go find another tree to sit at, while subconsciously fiddling with the cap of your opened water bottle.

A ways away, where the spar was taking place, the dark haired boy was shooting a large strip of tape at his opponent. The bi-colored boy deflected the attack with a sudden fire shield and sent the tape strip flying to the side. Both sparring opponents didn't pay attention to where the strip went, assuming it landed on a tree or something. That is, until they heard a surprised scream, followed by a rather loud string of curses. They immediately turned to where the voice came from, and saw you stuck to the wall by the strip of tape that was forgotten(much like you were too).

"Oh crap," the dark-haired boy muttered, "I should've payed attention to where I was shooting my tape at." "No, it was me who flung it to the side with my quirk," the bi-colored boy interjected. "I'm the one at fault." He concluded, and started walking towards you. "Todoroki..." Sero attempted to say, but fell silent and followed instead. Technically, he was right, but Sero didn't want him to feel bad about it.

You were, to put it simply, angry. Not only were you now taped to a damn wall, but the uncapped water bottle you were holding was now empty, as everything in it squirted onto your face. Thankfully it didn't go up your nose, or else you would've been really pissed. You wouldn't have been bothered by this, but since now your upper half was drenched, going back to class and having to explain yourself to everybody without sounding like a weirdo didn't sound all too appealing to you. Public embarrassment is something you are not fond of, and this is exactly what's happening right now. And so you were annoyed. Very annoyed.

"Uh, hey," the dark haired boy called out with an awkward smile. "Sorry I hit you with my quirk, I wasn't looking where we were sparring." The bi-colored boy nodded, as if silently saying the same thing. "It's fine," you said, annoyance clearly heard in your voice as you looked at the floor instead of them. They, of course, noticed your irritated state and looked more uncomfortable. The bi-colored boy moved closer, hands reaching for the tape. "Let me help y-" "No thanks, I'm good." You interrupted, feeling a bit of satisfaction from finally being the interrupter instead of the interrupted.

Your hair started growing from its soft, average hair length to a long amount of sharp tentacle-like strands of hair, and easily sliced at the tape encasing you. You dropped down, landing on your own two feet, stumbling a bit. The two boys just stared at you, and you raised an eyebrow at them both.

"Aren't you going to revert your hair to its original state?" The bi-colored boy asked. "My quirk doesn't work like that." You informed. "I can make it grow and turn sharp, as well as control it, but I have to cut it every time I grow my hair." You said while pulling a hair tie out of your wrist and started braiding your hair.

You did this every time your hair grew, since braiding it made it easier to carry when it got long. For that reason you had many hair ties on your wrists, and girls would constantly ask you for one, knowing you never ran out of them. It was about the only reason you were known for. Having an endless amount of hair ties. It was kinda sad, but you preferred not to think about it much.

"I see. My apologies, then," The bi-colored boy amended. The dark haired boy suddenly smacked his forehead and said, "Oh! We were being rude. Sorry, we didn't even tell you our names." I don't really care though, you thought, but stayed silent instead.

The dark haired boy straightened himself and jabbed a thumb at himself, and with his famous, you assumed, triangle smile, he introduced himself. "My name is Hanta Sero," then he pointed at the bi-colored boy and said, "and this is Todoroki Shouto. We're both from the Hero Course." Nailed it.

You finished your braid just in time and tied it with the hair tie. Then you flung the braid behind you and you introduced yourself too. "My name is (L/n) (Y/n), and I'm from the General Studies course. Nice to meet you," You automatically said. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go dry myself before lunch e-" Suddenly, the bell rung, indicating lunch was over.

Your face soured and glared at Sero and Todoroki, silently daring them to say something. They wisely kept silent, and stepped away from you so you could leave. You swiftly walked past them, muttering a "See ya" loud enough for them to hear and turning the corner you came from to get back to class. They could hear your tired sigh fade away as you walked.

Both boys stayed in place(partly because they had gym class outside that day), staring at the spot they had last seen you. After a few seconds, Todoroki was the first one to snap out of it.

"Let's go, Sero. Or we'll be late for gym class. Remember last time Denki was late; we do not want Aizawa-sensei to punish us like he did to him." Todoroki stated, walking the opposite of where you were headed towards the back of the school where gym classes would take place. He didn't hear footsteps following him and stopped to look at Sero again. "...Hanta-san?" Todoroki questioned.

Sero was still in the spot, absentmindedly rubbing the nape of his neck and was that a blush on his face? Todoroki never got to know for sure, because Sero snapped out of it and the odd redness in his cheeks disappeared. "Huh? You said something?" Sero dumbly asked.

Todoroki narrowed his eyes a small fraction, catching on to something Sero wasn't even aware of himself. Did Hanta actually check the girl out? Todoroki decided not to pry, knowing Sero would eventually figure it out for himself. "I said let's go, or else we'll be late for class." Todoroki repeated, taking a step towards the back of the school building.

"A-ah! Right! Yeah, let's go." Sero quickly said, chasing after the bi-haired boy. He took a quick glance back and couldn't help the oncoming thought from popping into his mind:

I hope I see her again...



*jumps off a bridge*

I can't make oneshots for the life of me... they always need a part 2 or something.. sigh...

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