Chapter Five

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Chapter Five


“As he goes left and you stay right”


            No one knew how long Buffy and Spike stayed on the ground for. Dusk had started to fall so it must have been a couple of hours at least. After her crying jag Buffy was exhausted and ended up falling asleep in Spike’s arms. He tried not to move too much for fear that she would wake up and leave. God, he couldn’t describe how it felt to have her so close to him even though he knew it wouldn’t last. He wanted nothing more than to press soft kisses to her hair and tell her how much he loved her. Even after all this time, she still meant everything to him. Giving her up was one of the hardest and stupidest things he had ever done.


            “Dawnie, toast and eggs or cereal for breakfast?” Buffy asked her sister a few mornings later. Everyone had finally left the house and Buffy was enjoying the quiet. All her family had gone home and Cordy and Angel had gone back to Paris. Willow and Tara were still in town but they were staying with Xander and Anya for a little while so Buffy could have some alone time with Dawn. Giles and William were still in town but luckily for Buffy they were staying in a motel.

            “Toast sounds good,” Dawn told her. Buffy nodded and wordlessly grabbed the bread and popped it into the toaster. The silent routine was nothing new for Dawn. Buffy had been pretty quiet since the funeral. Dawn wasn’t sure exactly what happened after the funeral ended but Buffy and Spike had been missing for hours afterwards.

            Buffy sat a plate of food in front of Dawn before sitting down next to her. Dawn couldn’t help but notice that Buffy had never gotten any food for herself.


            “Would you go see her already before you wear a hole in the floor?” Giles snapped at his nephew who had been pacing non-stop around the motel room since the funeral earlier in the week.

            “Will it get you to leave me bloody well alone?” Spike asked, irritated that his uncle wouldn’t leave the matter alone since he told him what happened with Buffy after the funeral. When Buffy had finally woken up and noticed that she was still in Spike’s arms, she gave him a panicked look before running away. He hadn’t seen her since.

            “Yes it will,” Giles told him earnestly. All Giles wanted was to see the two of them work it out.

            “Fine then,” Spike huffed, walking out the door without a clue what he was going to say to the woman this time.


            “Do you think they are going to be okay?” the beautiful brunette woman asked her boyfriend.

            “I think they will, Cordy,” Angel answered her. “Buffy and Dawn are both incredibly strong.”

            “That they are,” Cordelia agreed, “but that’s not what I meant.”

            Angel rolled ever in bed to face her and realization dawned on him. “Oh, you’re talking about Buffy and Spike aren’t you?”

            “Yeah,” Cordy said, fiddling with the edge of their expensive silk sheets. Both Cordy and Angel came from money which is why they were able to live and work in Paris. Cordelia was a fashion designer and Angel worked in a high end restaurant. His father had wanted him to take over the family law firm but greed and corruption just didn’t appeal to him.

            “Buffy and Spike have always been meant for each other. Do you remember in high school, at lunch, when we used to try to talk to Buffy but she didn’t hear a word we were saying because she was too busy staring at the table that he was sitting at?”

            Cordelia chuckled at the memory. She used to get so mad at Buffy for ignoring her. Now she just regretted that they were too stuck up in high school to go sit with Spike and his friends.

            “I hope they work it out,” she told Angel.

            “I do too, Cordy. I do too.”

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