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Okay so here's the next chapter so I'm going to skip forward and Beckett has her job back and so does Esposito,

Castle and beckett were just now arriving at work, they had gotten No calls or texts about a murder but they still decided to come to work anyways. They got out of the car and walked into the 12th. It was just a usual day, but no murder.

*in the elevator*
They had just gotten into the elevator, and were on their way up, when castle pins Beckett up to the wall and starts kissing her! Beckett reaches over and pushes the stop button on the elevator, then goes back to kissing castle. castle throws Beckett's top off and starts kissing down her body! Beckett Makes a quick move and goes below castle and starts un buckling his pants. castle pulls beckett up and takes off her pants, beckett wraps her legs around castles waist and with one quick move castle moves into Beckett. Beckett moans and digs her nails into castles back, castle starts going deeper and deeper till they both cum.

They are finally dressed and the elevator is going up. The elevator makes it to the top and they step off, Ryan is waiting by the elevator waiting and laughing.

"Wats so funny Ryan?", Beckett asks

"Oh nothing it just took so long for the elevator to come up, and them u two get off", Ryan says laughing

"Oh grow up Ryan!",Beckett says blushing

Castle just stands there grinning and trying not to laugh.Castle slips past them and goes to sit at Beckett's desk. Beckett makes her way over to castle and kisses him on the cheek. Beckett was just great full that Esposito wasn't there he would've made a bigger deal about it and embarrassed them. Gates comes out of her office and told them that they didn't have to come in to work because there was no work but since they were here they could do paper work, Beckett was feeling really sick like she was about to puke so she ran to the bathroom. castle ran after her. Beckett was puking her guts out and gripping her stomach.

Beckett just realized that she was late. so she made castle run down to a corner store and pick up a pregnancy test, castle came back and gave the test to Beckett.

Beckett took the test and gave it to castle they waited the full two minutes and the test said....

Okay sorry guys but cliffhanger!!!


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