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You knew that Yoongi was a genius, always making badass beats or heartfelt songs. That part, among many other things, is what you loved about him. What you didn't like was how long he would work on his music. Disappearing into Genius Lab for days at a time, only leaving to shower and use the bathroom. He would sleep there and you, feeling sorry for him, would bring him food to make sure he was eating. You grew tired of it after awhile. You wanted to spend the days you had off work with him, but he was too focused on working on a song. You were so sick of it. Waiting for him to notice your or acknowledge you. Why were you trying so hard when he wasn't even caring. So you decided to stop caring.

Knocking on Genius Lab, you waited for him to get up and let you in. Stepping inside, you see how his hair is a mess and discarded food containers and bags were spewed across his couch. Disgusting, Min Yoongi. Disgusting.

"Yes?" He says once he makes his way back to his seat, focusing back on his computer. You tried t ignore the sting of painful sadness that hit your heart. He didn't even look at you.

"I brought you food," You began, hoping he would turn around. "And I hoped you would want to see me?"

"Of course," he said half heartedly. You huffed and walked closer to his desk before dropping the bag of McDonald's down on his desk with a plop. Only then did he look over at you.

"I'm going out." You said simply. You turned on your heel and began making your way to the door, but Yoongi caught your arm before you can go.


"Yes, out." You say. Sending him an irritated, half serious glare, hoping he would get the picture and let your arm go.

His brows knit together. "By yourself?"

"No, I'm going with the maknae line," You tried to pull your arm free but Yoongi only tightened his grasp. His eyes seemed to narrow as he said his next sentence.

"Jimin is going?" his voice was lower now. Sickening sweetly so.

"Well duh, he's part of the maknae line," You stated matter-of-factly. Already fed up with his bullshit.

"I don't want you to go."

"You aren't my father," You scoffed. He can't be serious. "Ypu can't tell me what to do. Hell, you be barely even looked at me this past week!"

His eyes narrowed and he stood up from his chair and took a step closer. "I'm looking at you now,"

"Yea, now!" You shook your head. "Are you going to come with me or not? They're waiting on me."

Yoongi took a moment to look back at his monitor. "But, the song..."

The song. The song! Its always the fucking song! Always more important than you. You were so fucking tired of hearing it.

You snatched your arm away and quickly made it to the door. "Goodbye, Yoongi."

You slammed it behind you and walked off down the hall. He didn't even try to come after you. You were so sick of hoping he would come to you, but you always went crawling back to him. No. were going to go out and drink with the maknae line and have some fun.

You thoroughly enjoyed your night, going out to eat and drink with the maknae line, taking pictures the whole time and posting it, cause you knew Yoongi would see. You made sure to especially take pictures of you and Jimin, cause you knew Yoongi was jealous of how close you two have gotten. You didn't care though. You finally had a night of no worries and no responsibilities.

You had them drop you off back home at 2am, being 100% done with partying while they went off to another bar. You came inside to see nothing was different. Nor was Yoongi up on the couch, worried sick about you. Your shrugged it off and decided to go shower, feeling sticky and dirty from dancing on a hot dance floor.

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