chapter 2 back home

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sally's pov*

I was entering the cafe which me and jarry had agreed to to have breakfast in , i wasn't surprised about not finding him inside he was always late for everything , but then aren't all the boys like this ? I went outside and decided on calling him ,

he answered at the third ring "Hello?" he said with a sleepy voice

"you are still sleeping are you kidding me !" i was starting to get angry , he always forgets everything he says

"Yes actually" he said lazily

"wake up jarry you said that we will eat breakfast together" i said screaming at him which got me a few stares from the people at the street

"fine fine give me 10 minutes and I will meet you" said jarry

"fine , but I Swear If you came late I wil-"

"I will be there in 10 minutes girl calm down!"

"We will see bye" i said"Okay bye" and then he hang up

After 20 minutes i saw him coming my way smiling at me

"Oh you came early" i said rolling my eyes at him

"sorry the traffic wa…" he said chuckling

"Yeah yeah whatever lets go inside"

i cut him mid-sentence we entered the cafe together but as it was the morning and everyone was having breakfast or drinking coffe there was no empty tables i looked at him angrily "What it's not my fault" he said as if he was innocent "Really?and what is the hell are we gonne do now !" i said raising my voice

"Wait a second" he said and walked away from me , i watched him as he approached a girl siting in a group table

i watched them as they exchanged some words

*aby's pov*

i was sitting on a table in a cafe alone reading a book and drinking my coffe when i heard some one saying hi i looked up from my book and frowned at the boy standing infront of me , he looked nice but i didn't know what he could have possibly spoken to me for

"hey" I greeted back "can i help you ?" i asked confused

"yeah actually me and my friend wants to have breakfast here and as u see there is no empty tables so i was wondering if it's ok for us to sit with you" he said pointing at a girl standing by the door and bit his bottom lip waiting for my response

i was surprised by his request and looked around me to confirm that there was no empty tables like he said , i have been oblivious to how crowded the cafe has gotten , i must have been too busy reading my book to notice , i looked back at him and he was still standing waiting for me to answer , i wasn't quiet comfortable with the idea of letting two strangers sit with me but they also seemed so nice and harmless so i didn't need to worry and i couldn't say no anyway i mean that would be so rude ! and i needed to make some new friends

"uh...umm-ok?" i stuttered and his eyes lit up and a huge warm smile appeard across his face "Thank you thank you so much" he said then waved to the girl who looked bored standing by herself at the door

"She allowed us to sit with her" he said smilling at me once again

"Really ohh thank you" the girl said and gave me a warm smile as well

"Yeah so I am jarry and she is sally what's your name?" the guy who turned out to be called jarry asked

"Nice to meet you guys I am abe"

"thank you again for letting us sit with you" sally told me

"it's nothing really" i reassured her with a smile

"so you are not British right ?" jarry asked me referring to my non british accent "yeah I am American" i said

"why you came here?" sally asked "to study Literature I want to be a writer" i said proudly about my dream

"interesting" she told me "

so how long have you been together" i asked they both looked at each other and bursted into a fit of laughter

"you thought that we are together !" she looked at me like i have grown a third eye

"I love you baby" jarry said cooing at her whice earned him a -not so politely- shut up from sally "no we are just friends abe" she told me

"Oh I thought that you are a couple and I have no Idea why ! sorry"I said embarrassed

"No no just no" said jarry "Yeah NO" she said emphasizing the word No

"Okay so guys I have to go now" i said looking at the clock , I haven't noticed that i was going to be late for class

"oh do you have to go now?" jarry said frowning "Yeah" So we are not gonne meet again ?" sally asked

"I don’t know" i told her

"We are gonne meet our friends here tomorrow so do you want to come?" jarry offered me they were actually really nice and i wanted us to be friends but i wasn't sure about tomorrow i mean i don't know any of their friends i dont even know them ! we have just met "don't be anti-social" my inner voice told me "I don’t know I don’t want to disturb you guys" i said thinking about it

"Are you kidding its gonne be so much fun please come" sally said smilling

"Umm..... okay .. when ?" i sttutterd

"tomorrow at 7 is that’s good ?" jarry asked me

"Uh... yeah yeah it's good" i said and i wanted to slap myself for always stuttering why did i have to be so shy sometimes i wish i could've been alittle bold

"Okay" she smiled at me

"alright guys bye meet you tomorrow"

"bye" they both

bye" they both replied back

"wait! Can you give me your phone number so we can call you if something changed?" jarry asked me

"Okay" he handed me his phone and i took it , typed my number then gave it back to him he clicked on the screen a few times before smilling and saying "done"

"Okay bye guys" i said again

"Bye abe" they both said and i could hear their faint sound while i am making my way to the door saying "She is a really nice girl " "yeah she is" i smiled to myself and got out of the cafe

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