Chapter 9

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Louis's POV

Almost two years had gone by but nothing much had changed. Niall had gotten himself a girlfriend, so had Liam. Zayn was still his charming self, Harry hadn't changed much either. He had gotten a little more mature, just a little though. Samantha, well, she hadn't changed much either. If anything, she had only gotten more beautiful. And I wasn't the only one to notice. Several guys had wanted to date her and several guys had broken her heart. She was still naive and vulnerable, always believing the best of everyone. She spent almost every night at one of our places. In the end we decided it was easier for her to come live with us. We all loved her, especially Zayn and I, we were the ones closest to her and she usually slept either at mine or at Zayn's.
Last night she slept at my place, the guest room is officially hers but she doesn't use it that much, she prefers sleeping in my bed. And no, we didn't do anything. Samantha is my friend, no benefits.

I woke up around eight, Sam was still sleeping next to me. She looked so peaceful when she slept. So sweet. Her dark hair was in a long ponytail, she was wearing one of my t-shirts and a short pair of pyjama trousers. Her long skinny legs seemed to go on for miles, her face was facing mine. I loved being so close to her. I could count every freckle on her small nose and notice the absolute perfection of her flawless skin. Her eyelids fluttered a little, she was about to wake up. She rolled over, laying her head on my bare chest. She did this almost every morning, it was nothing special really, but it still made my heart beat faster and the butterflies in my stomach go wild.
Yeah, I was in love with my best friend. Usually that doesn't end well. I was very well aware of that fact.

Samantha's POV

I woke up too see Louis staring at me, blinking fast I moved away a little. I hadn't expected him to be that close. Louis seemed a little taken aback at my sudden movement.
'Sorry,' I whispered, seeing the hurt in his eyes, 'you just scared me.' I smiled at him and got up. I stumbled over to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I groaned, my hair was a big tangled mess, my face was white and I had dark shadows under my eyes. I looked like shit.
'Louiiis!' I complained, 'why didn't you warn me before I looked in the mirror? I look like a zombie.'
Louis looked at me and shrugged, 'I think you look beautiful.'
Liar. I rolled my eyes, muttered 'sure,' and walked back to the bathroom where I took of my clothes and stepped into the shower. The warm water rolling down my body woke me up nicely. I washed my hair and shaved my legs.
As I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my body, the bathroom door opened. I could see the vague shape of a tall person through the damp my shower had created. 'Louis? Do you mind giving me a little privacy? I have to get dressed.' The person didn't leave but walked into the bathroom, I could see his face clearly now.
'Brian!' I called, as I recognized my boyfriends face. Brian smiled and gave me a big hug and a quick kiss on my lips. I pulled away and beamed up at him. God, how I had missed him. His sandy blonde hair, beautiful grey eyes and cheeky grin, It still surprised me he actually wanted to be with me. He was so perfect, I was so average. I was lucky to have him.
'Hello beautiful,' he grinned, making me blush. I kissed his lips again, a longer kiss this time. 'What are you doing here? I hadn't expected you to arrive until next week.' I murmured.
'I'm taking you on a date. I've got tonight and tomorrow off and I wanted to see you.' He smiled. I giggled and pushed him out of the bathroom. 'Okay, It's a date. Come pick me up at seven thirty. Now get out, I got to get dressed.'
He muttered something that sounded like, you don't need to get dressed for me, but I didn't really listen. 'I'll see you tonight,' I called, after I had closed the door, 'now, get going, your boss might fire you if you don't get to work in time.' I could hear Brian laugh in the bedroom. 'Okay, babe, I'll get going. Love you.'
'Love you more.'
I heard the door close. I focused on getting dressed with a big smile on my face, I couldn't wait. Brian worked for a record company, it was his job to find new bands and artist who had the potential to become big. He travelled a lot and I didn't got too see him that often. It would be nice to get to spend some time with him.
I picked out a pair of red skinny jeans, a white and grey shirt with the text 'The band is with me' on it, my favourite leather jacket and a pair of converse. I decided to finish it off with heart shaped earrings and a guitar necklace. Knowing Brian we would probably have our date at a club, drinking and dancing. I didn't bother putting on a dress for something like that. I wasn't a girl for dresses, they were uncomfortable and I felt awkward wearing them. I only wore dresses at extremely formal occasions such as weddings and funerals. I applied some make-up and got out of the bathroom. The bed was empty, Louis had gotten up. It didn't surprise me. Louis didn't like Brian and tried to avoid him. I walked to the living room and saw him standing by the window with his back to me. He wasn't wearing a shirt, I couldn't help but notice how good he looked. Wow, scrap that. I've got a boyfriend, I shouldn't be thinking about Louis like that. I shook my head to get rid of these thoughts and couched to get Louis' attention. 'You okay Lou?' I asked him. 'You look serious.' Louis turned around and nodded. 'Can we talk?'
I didn't like it when he used his serious face, it meant he was going to talk about something I didn't want to discuss with him. Probably something awkward.

I studied Louis' face, took a deep breath, preparing myself for the awkward conversation that was coming and gave him a nod. 'Okay, let's talk.'
Louis started talking. 'It is about you and Brian, I'm not sure if I even want to hear this, but how serious are the two of you?' The question confused me. It seemed quite obvious that Brian and I were getting quite serious, we had been for a while. Louis noticed my confusion, sighed and asked me, straight forward. 'Are you sleeping with him?'
My mouth dropped and I looked at him with disbelieve. Did he really just say that? 'Ehm, that is a bit awkward, Lou.' I stammered. 'It's really none of your business.' Louis sighed, that was apparently the answer he didn't want to hear. 'Can you please just answer my question?' He begged, his eyes big and pleading. I rolled mine and huffed 'Fine. No, I'm not sleeping with him. Why? What is it too you?'
'Nothing, just looking out for you.' Suuure….
'Well, you don't have to do that. I'm 17, I can take care of myself.'
It sounded a little harsh and I cringed at my own words. 'I'm sorry, Lou. I didn't mean it like that. Just..' I struggled to find the right words. I loved Louis, he was the best friend anyone could have. He was just a little overprotective. This wasn't any of his business. I loved him for caring though. Louis understood.
'I'm sorry.' He muttered and pulled me on his lap. 'He's just not worth it, okay. He will use you and break your heart.' I shook my head.
'Brian loves me.'
'Of course he does, how could he not.' Louis whispered in my ear. I turned around so I could look him in the eyes. He looked sad, his dark blue eyes lacking the usual spark he had when looking at me. I hated seeing him like this, so worried, so unhappy.
'I'll be careful.' I promised him. He nodded and I wrapped my arms around him. 'thank you for caring Lou.'
'I've got your back.' He whispered to me, I smiled.
'I know, and I love you for it.'

Louis' POV

Samantha's words didn't satisfy me. I knew she was speaking the truth. Samantha despised lying. I just knew Brian wouldn't be careful. I had seen him watching her. I sat on the bed when he walked into the bathroom. I could see his eyes going over her body before resting on her pretty face. It made me sick. How could she stand being around a creep like him? So yeah, Samantha would be careful, but Brian wouldn't. And I would be the one who would have to put her heart back together. Not that I didn't want to do it, I just hated seeing her so broken.
After our little awkward talk Sam seemed determined to please me. So, when we decided we were going to watch a movie she offered to watch Grease. Grease always managed to put a smile on my face, so I agreed. A few minutes into the movie Samantha lost her interest and her eyes started to wander around the room. We had watched the movie several times, I knew it all by heart. So, when I knew the music would start playing I pulled her up from the couch and put my hands on her waist. We danced to the music of my favorite movie, how cheesy was that?
I loved every second of it. After slow dancing for a while I tried to teach her one direction's signature dance moves. Pat-the-dog-screw-the-light bulb, the traffic thingy, the inbetweenersdance and other weird moves. She managed to look graceful while dancing. It is safe to say that I did not. It's not like I cared though. It was just nice spending time with Sam again, just the two of us. We hadn't had much time for that these last weeks, me being busy with the band and Sam working on her schoolwork.
When the last song ended we both crashed down on the floor. Sam let out a giggle, 'You are a brilliant dancer, Mr. Tomlinson.'
'So I've been told.' I answered with a cheeky smile and a wink. Samantha started laughing and I joined in. We sat there, on the floor, doing nothing, just laughing. It was the most fun I'd had in months. We calmed down after a while, my stomach and cheeks hurting and my mood drastically improved. She always managed to cheer me up, brightening up my day just by smiling.
'Come on,' I told her, 'Let's go do something extremely stupid and random before you have to leave for your date.' Samantha agreed.
'Do you have anything specific in mind?'
'No, it wouldn't be random if I had.' I smiled.
Ten minutes later we were running around in the rain outside, Samantha on my back, singing loudly to a High School Musical song, though we didn't know the lyrics. Pretty random, even if I do say so myself.

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