Chapter 2

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Third person

The marauders and Lily walked into potions and gained looks and whispers from everyone. It was clear that they didn't have new students often, especially five at a time and all in Gryffindor. They all started wondering the same thing as Snape walked up to them. Would he recognise them?

"And who might you be?" His cold, monotone voice nearly made the marauders laugh, but they held their tongues. Lily felt sorry for him and wondered why he acted like this.

"New students" James stuttered, trying to recover from almost calling him Snivellus. Snape eyes them suspiciously, his dark, merciless eyes boring into them. He studied each of them carefully, and recoiled slightly when he got to Lily. He looked like he was about to say something, but thought better of it and stepped back, glaring at the boys.

"Oh really?"

"Yes, sir. Here's a letter from Professor Dumbledore." Remus said, taking charge and handing Snape the letter. He seemed to be the only one that could stop himself from calling Snape, Snivellus, and be calm about it.

"Very well. Find some spare seats and turn to page 473 for the draught of living death."

"Which you seem to have taken." Sirius said quickly, unable to stop himself, earing some sniggers from the Gryffindors in the room. Snape just glared at them.

"I do not tolerate cheek in this room. 10 points from Gryffindor. Sit." They all shuffled to the Gryffindor side of the classroom. James and Sirius sat behind Harry and Ron, whilst Remus and Peter sat behind Hermione and Lily across from them.

"I want you to copy out all of the information about this potion three times, to ensure that you learn it by heart for tomorrow."

"This is so boring Padfoot." James moaned. "We need to pull a prank on him. A classic marauder prank that'll piss him right off. We could use the invisibility cloak." He said quietly so Snape wouldn't hear him.

"You brought it with you?"

"Yeah I was holding onto it when we travelled. Damn I left it in the common room when we went to see Dumbledore. I hope nobody nicks it."

"Calm it Prongs, no one will nick it. Hey do you think the map will have changed when we brought it with us?" James pulled the map out of his pocket and tapped it.

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." He opened it and to his surprise all of the names were different. "Bloody hell, Filch is still here, he'll recognise us for sure!"

"Mr Potter! Please pay attention!" James' head snapped up, then realised that Snape had been talking about Harry.

"But professor, I am paying attention, I've just finished the writing."

"Oh really, then if you are so clever, then please tell me, what is the main ingredient of a draught of living death?" Harry struggled and reddened slightly, then shrugged. "Then you have obviously not paid attention to what you have been writing. Just like your father. Arrogant and rude." Harry went to protest, but Sirius and James jumped up.

"You can't pick on him just because of his father. So what if HE was arrogant and rude?" James albowed him hard and glared at him. "What? It's true?" Lily snickered.

"I will kill you Pa...Daniel." James said evilly. They suddenly realised that they were being stared at by the whole class, including Snape.

"Do not contradict me. 10 points from Gryffindor. Each. Get out of here all of you." They all packed away their things.

"It is true, you are arrogant." Lily joked to James.

"Shut it Evans." James replied moodily, and Lily smirked at him.

"Wrong name, idiot," and they left the potions room, where Harry walked up to them.

"Thanks, but you didn't have to do that. He's always picked on me because of my dad."

"Stupid Snivellus" James spat angrily.

"Snivellus? Never heard that one before. Might use that one." Ron said, laughing slightly.

"No! ...I mean, you don't want to get into trouble over it." Harry nodded slowly "Oh yeah, we have to go to the common room for a second, wanna come?"

"Sure, we have a free period. By the way, the password is 'Godric'." They all walked up to the common room and James quickly picked the invisibility cloak up and shoved it in his pockets quickly. Remus walked over to James quickly, looking worried.

"Prongs, did our names change on the map when we thought of new ones? I was just wondering because if someone caught hold of it, we'll get found out." James rolled his eyes.

"Don't be silly Moony, I put in this extra feature that stops people getting in. If you don't say 'I solemnly swear that I am up ot no good' then it insults you."

"But what if someone nicks it whilst we're reading it?"

"You worry almost as much as Wormtail. Fine I'll check." He pulled the map out of his pockets and turned away fron everyone else, so that no one could see it besidees the two of them. "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." The markings appeared quickly and they opened it to the page for the Gryffindor common room. "There, see, nothing to worry about, it has our fake names. Probably because it knows that it's creators need to hide. Even Lily's name has changed."

"But..." Remus protested.

"We made this map smart Moony, stop being a prat." Remus punched him playfully on the arm. "Mischief managed."

"What's the time?" Harry asked, and Hermione spoke up.

"10:55am, we need to get down to the Room of Requirement." The marauders exchanged glances. What were they talking about? Thankfully Harry came to their rescue and explained.

"The Room of Requirement is a hidden room that we've been using for practicing spells. Professor Umbridge won't let us use magic in D.A.D.A, so Hermione and Ron decided to put together a group called 'Dumbledore's Army,' where I teach everyone things, because I've had the most experience using advanced spells."

"He's amazing! Best teacher at this school in my opinion mate." Ron grunted and Harry blushed slightly, and James noted that he looked a lot like Lily when he did that. Maybe Lily WAS his mother? Wait, why was he thinking about Lily being his wife? He discarded the thoughts and drew his attention back to Harry.

"I've got you two to help though" he said modestly.

"Stop being modest!" Hermione scaulded. "Anyway, we have to go now." They all left the common room and walked down the corridor, until they reached a wall.

"It's a dead end. You do know where you're going, right?" Sirius asked irritably.

"Of course. Just watch Daniel." They stood there in silence for a couple of seconds, then some of the wall started to crumble away, then more and more until a door had appeared there.

"Man, that is awesome"

Severus' POV

When I looked over at the girl, there was something about her that was incredibly familiar about her, with her long red hair and beautiful green eyes...could it be? No. She was dead. And nothing was going to bring back the girl I love.

Watching Potter stand up to me again, just reminded me of Lily even more. She always stood up for what she believed in, and what she thought was right. But that Potter boy went and stole her, and now she was never coming back. When I'd stopped wallowing in self pity, I dismissed the class, and as the students left, I could have sworn that I heard someone say 'Evans.' Had I imagined it?


So Snape thought that Lily looked familiar :O will he find out? And what would he do if he did find out that it was her?

Anyway, until next time my friends :P xxxx

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