Chapter 4

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Hermione's POV

I listened carefully as the five of them explained their story. How they had eaten the sweets and been transported 18 years into the future, where Dumbledore had told them to use their fake names until the end of the year when he would be able to send them home. I couldn't help but notice the way that James would glance at Lily every once in a while, but she wasn't that interested in him.I felt slightly sorry for him, but then remembered that this was James and Lily. Harry's parents. They would get together in the end. I suddenly realised that maybe they didn't know that Harry was their son.


"He's my son isn't he?" Ok maybe he did know. I nodded and he punched the air .

"Yessss!!! I've got an awesome son! I'm just trying to figure out who the mother is. Imagine if it was you Lils!" I watched her growl and throw a cushion at him.

"Haha very funny Potter." I held my tongue, not wanting to tell them about their future.

"Do you know?" James turned to me and panic flushed through me quickly, but I tried hard not to show it.

"No." I squeaked and they instantly knew I was lying.

"Yes you do, who is it? Tell me, pleaseeee!!!!" James begged and I backed away slightly.

"I...I can't tell you, it'll ruin it" I said and he groaned.

"Oh god, it better not be a Slytherin!"

"Harry was almost put in Slytherin." I blurted out without realising and James stared at me, shocked.

"What??" James almost shouted.

"But he asked to be in Gryffindor, and the sorting hat agreed. Apparently." I said quickly before James could say anymore, and he looked relieved.

"Definitely James' son" Sirius said laughing.

"Yep, except he doesn't talk back to teachers as much, and probably doesn't prank first-years ON THEIR FIRST DAY" Remus added.

"What are you talking about?" I asked curiously and James and Sirius grinned.

"Well, me and James decided to prank the first-years on their first day, but we wanted to do it to the Slytherins, so we tricked this first year into telling us the password, saying that we wanted to talk to a friend, and we decorated it with pink...fluffy...things..." Sirius stopped, laughing too much to carry on, and James and Peter also laughing hysterically, whereas Lily and Remus rolled their eyes. I guessed that they were the sensible ones of the group.

"It was silly, Sev told me that the first-years freaked out, and thought that they had been either sorted into the wrong house, or they were in the wrong common room." I was about to ask who she was talking about, and why she would actually talk to a Slytherin, despite the rivalries between the houses, but James made stupid kissing noises at her.

"Ooooo, Sevvy, oooo I love you Severus!" I gasped at hearing the name. Lily had been good friends with Snape? "Oooooo, I want to kiss you Sevvy, I luurrrvee youuu!!!" Lily jumped up.

"PISS OFF POTTER! WHY CAN'T YOU GO 10 MINUTES WITHOUT BEING AN IDIOT?!" She shouted at the top of her voice before stomping off towards the girls' dormatories. I sat there dumbstruck at what had just happened.

"You did go to far that time James." Remus said and James looked down at his feet. I decided to step in, before things got too awkward.

"I think we should all go to bed, we're all tired. And don't worry, I won't say anything about this to anyone. Promise." They all smiled gratefully at me and we all went up to bed. When I had changed into my pyjamas and gotten into bed I started to thinks about what I had found out. Harry's parents were staying at Hogwarts, at exactly the same time as him. It must be great for them to know about him at a young age, and always know how he was going to turn out. Then I started to think about what James had said about Snape. Did Lily really feel that way about him when they were children? Maybe because she chose James, Snape became horrid, and world hating. Maybe HE had loved HER, and when she had married James, he hadn't seen the point in being nice to anyone, especially Harry. Thesse thoughts surrounded her until her brain ached from thinking too much, and she finally managed to fall asleep.


"Hermione. Hermione!" I was shaken awake suddenly and looked into the facae of Lily, and she looked like she had been crying.

"Huh? What's the time?" I looked at the window, and it looked like the middle of the night.

"Quarter past two in the morning, I'm really sorry. I had a nightmare and I didn't know who else to talk to." I sat up and rubbed my eyes and allowed her to get into the bed.

"It's fine Lil, honestly. Tell me about this nightmare."

"Well...We were in the Room of Requirement, me and the marauders, and suddenly it was just me and James and...he got out his wand and pointed it at me and said 'Finally we're alone, now I can pay you back for spending all of your time with Snivellus rather than me' and he tortured me..." She broke off crying and I hugged her tightly.

"Don't worry, I'm sure James would never harm you, promise. He doesn't seem like that type of person, and..." I stopped suddenly, wondering whether I should tell her that I thought that he liked her.

"And...?" She looked up at me expectantly.

"And...I think he might like you. But don't take my word for it, I just noticed him glancing at you a few times more than necessary today." I watched as a slight smile crept onto her face and she blushed a deep red colour.

"Why would he like me? There's nothing special about me."

"You're very pretty. A guy would be mad if he didn't like you."

"Thanks Mione, you're a great friend. I'll miss you when I have to go back, but I'll never forget you." I smiled happily. I had made a new best friend in less than 24 hours, and possible three other new friends. I didn't want to include Wormtail. The traitor. Of course I couldn't tell them that, it would be too dangerous and would mess with the fabrics of time. Lily hugged me then got up and got into her own bed. "Goodnight Mione, and thanks again." I smiled.

"It's fine, I'm always here if you want to talk." And with that I went back to sleep dreaming about the confusing, surprising events that had occured that day.

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