Color Theory

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White color signifies purity and is considered divine. It lights up the areas that may not have much natural light. It can make a room look bigger and add largeness to the room. Ideally white must be used on walls and ceilings if the ceilings are low. The geographical areas where it is always cloudy white will reflect the light coming in and make the room look brighter. 

Black and Grey can be fantastic if used in combination with other colors but one must be careful in choosing these colors as they may spoil the complete mood of the room. Being subtle is the key when using these colors. Grey with white may be fantastic and Highlighted elements of black in otherwise different color may make a room look perfect.

Yellow color is a hot color and its use in countries like India must be limited, it can be used in combination with other colors but better that you must avoid it dominance. Keep its use limited and it will help things brighten up.

Red color is hot and color of life and its exuberance is unmatched by any color. But as it is the color of blood and bends the least in the spectrum it must be used with care it is a hot color, a clever use is indicated. It causes impulsive reflexes and can increase appetite and if used in places like Supermarkets may cause a lot of impulsive buying.

Pink and Purple color are considered feminine, but I will defer both are soft and romantic colors. Both are soothing and bring a sense of tranquility to spaces. In purple, the lilac family is excellent for use in the bedroom because lilac is a floral color. Purple can be a color of Royalty and power but is a cool color.

Blue color is one of the best cool colors. It is tranquil and is associated with self-actualization and meditation. Experiments have shown that it can reduce Blood pressure and bring in a sense of relief to a stressed mind. It is the color of the sky and ocean and its subliminal effects are well known to everyone who understands color psychology.

Green Color is the color of nature and a cool color. It is associated with trees and thus a life-giving force. It is a very pleasant color and can be used in all its hues with aplomb. You can use a lot of hues combined together to make the room look cool and tranquil. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2018 ⏰

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