Chapter 5: The truth Behind the Lie

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Rachel finds herself staying on the Applebee's underground "base" for far longer than she thought. There are many people talking about who knows what and she can't tell if they're all Gifted or Evenglen. Patrick, Jesse and Monika, along with her own friends, are talking to each other in one corner of the room. Patrick said that the Glevenen might appear at sunset, so she starts to think of a way to kill 20 minutes of time. She starts walking towards the group.

"Hey!", she says to grab their attention.

"Hey, Rachel!", replies Monika.

"In all honesty, I never expected you to take all this information so lightly.", says Patrick, referring to the Glevenen situation. "Although, your friend didn't have a similar reaction."

"I don't know how she does it, either!", exclaims Katherine. "She's always so calm, even on the Applebee's assault, I think."

"Did you come for something, by the way?", asks Trevor.

"Yes, actually.", Rachel says. "I had a few questions for Patrick."

"Ask away, then.", says Patrick with approval.

"First of all, what is this place exactly?", she asks.

"This place is supposed to be a gathering place for both Gifted and Evenglen.", Patrick answers. "Very few people know this place exists."

"When you got here, you obviously noticed the many doors around the main area, correct?", Monika says.

"Yeah?", Rachel says curiously.

"Well, most of these doors lead to areas where we heal either an injured Gifted or an unconscious Evenglen or Glevenen.", Monika explains.

"Wait, I thought you said that Evenglen have a healing factor.", barges in Ashley. "Shouldn't they be immune to that?"

"I did say that, but there is still a way to defeat one.", Monika starts. "To do that, you have to keep something penetrated to the Evenglen's brain, leaving them unconscious. To get them back up, the penetrated object has to be removed."

"Sounds to me like you folk do a lot of fighting.", says Tiffany.

"We do.", replies Jesse. "An Evenglen can summon their own unique weapon."

"Really?", Rachel starts to sound more and more interested. "What are yours?"

"Mine is a pair of swords that can shoot small spikes from the guards.", says Monika.

"Mine is a massive club that is able to create vortexes.", says Patrick.

"That's cool!", exclaims Trevor. "What about Jesse?"

"We honestly don't know.", replies Monika. "Jesse really likes to use guns instead but we haven't seen his weapon yet. He says he doesn't like using it."

Ashley turns towards Jesse. "Why is that?"

"You don't wanna know.", replies Jesse dryly.

Rachel cannot believe that one question lead to a completely different topic. She then starts to think of her next question.

"Is there a difference between a Gifted, Evenglen or Glevenen?", she asks.

"Yeah.", starts Patrick. "First of all, the Gifted look exactly like a normal human because, well, they are. Although, they have the Gifted Glow, which is something only Evenglen can see that shows how optimistic is an individual Gifted."

"You may already know how a Gifted can turn into an Evenglen, right?", continues Monika. "Well, when a Gifted dies and comes back up as a Glevenen, they have the Glevenen Arc!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2018 ⏰

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