Chapter 3: Out of sight...

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The night sky covers Atlanta once again like a blanket, with street lights being the only sources of light. (And lightbulbs from night owls in their houses) Rachel wears her same pajamas once again and checks on Katherine's room to find what she expected to find: Katherine sleeping soundly in her bed, like usual.

She makes her way downstairs and takes out an orange from the fridge, slices it and places the slices on a small plate. Rachel grabs it and makes her way to the roof like last night, and the familiar cold air of evening hits her in the face once she makes it up.

Rachel looks around the roof to find Caleb in the same place as she expected him to be, sitting on the edge of the roof. She makes her way over there and sits next to Caleb, dangling her legs over the edge of the roof.

"Hey, Caleb!", she says to him.

Caleb looks over to her as Rachel finds herself smiling at him. She then thinks that Caleb is the kind of person that barely smiles in his life.

"Are you going to do this every night now?", asks Caleb, but oddly doesn't sound annoyed. (For someone who asks such a question)

"Are you going to stop me?", Rachel said in a way of challenging him.

"It would be pointless to, knowing how you usually are.", says Caleb. "You are a night owl, after all."

"I also wanna know more about the Evenglen!", Rachel suddenly asks. "It seems to be very important for me to know, right?"

"I thought I told you to ask Arthur about it.", says Caleb questioningly.

"I know, but I want to know about it from the source.", says Rachel confidently. "You did bring up the topic yourself, and I haven't heard about it in my life and I assume you know more about it, right?"

Caleb looks back to where he was looking before Rachel sat next to him.

"You're right.", says Caleb a little lower. "Considering I am one of them."

Rachel looks at Caleb for a few seconds, then looks away and scoots an inch away from Caleb casually as she pops a slice of orange in her mouth.

"I won't hurt you.", says Caleb instantly.

"Oh, um..okay. Uh, h-hey! I brought orange slices!", replies Rachel, slightly nervous.

The optimistic young girl stretches out her plate from her lap towards Caleb, but unlike last night, he plainly ignores it.

"Fine, then. I'll give you the information.", Caleb starts. "Evenglen are creatures that were once human, but with unnatural powers. Those powers include teleportation, cloaking, superhuman strength and speed, summoning of a unique weapon and regenerative abilities."

"One issue about the Evenglen's ability to teleport is that it takes time for one to teleport again, depending on how far they do so. For example, if one would teleport from here to..." Caleb seems to struggle a little before continuing his explanation. "...Malcolm's house... It would take less than a second for them to teleport again. But if they were to do so from here to, let's say, Texas, it would take minutes, maybe hours, for them to teleport again."

"Wow..", says Rachel in awe. "Evenglen are so cool!" She then starts whispering to herself. "Just when I was about to ask you to take me to Germany..."

"The answer would've been no either way.", says Caleb instantly.

"AWW!", Rachel whines about his answer, but pops another orange slice in her mouth like nothing happened.

Suddenly, Rachel gets curious about something that Caleb said, and there's never harm in asking.

"You said Evenglen were once human, right?", she says. "How can a human turn into one?"

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