First day back

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Liam's POV

I walked through the school gates with a frown on my face. Ugh, I hated school. I used to like it but since he fucked everything up I hate it. Everybody looks at me like im an alien on earth. They all act like im the only one in the world that's gay! Its just like er, hello! There is plenty of other guys in this world that are gay, not just me! 

I walk up to the old oak tree that's at the side of the school. Me, Louis and Niall always meet here in the mornings and hang out here for lunch. We are the outcasts of the school. Nobody talks to us, smiles at us or even looks at us. Its all because of me. Just because im gay. 

I see Niall and Lou crouched down under the tree in heavy conversation. I don't really want to disturb them so I just throw my bag onto the grass and sit down next to them. 

"Hey Li!" Niall chirped. "Hello Payne" Lou said. "Hey guys. Been up to much over the holidays?" I asked. "Nah, just homework for english" Niall huffed. "I don't see why they do that to us! It's not fair!" Louis groaned. "Fucking teachers" I moaned. 

The bell rang for regestration. Uh, great. Niall and Louis are in the same regy class but I have to be in one with him and Zayn. They always give me death glares, it maked me really uncomftorable. 

"See you guys in maths then?" I said standing up. "Yeh, bye Li!" Niall and Louis called as I walked off. First day back at school after the holidays and people are already giving me horrible glares. I quickly walk into regy and sit in my normal seat at the back beside the window. Not long after everyone is in class the teacher walked in. Mr King. Ugh, I hate him.

"Hello everyone! Quieten down so I can do the register" He says. Everyone goes silent and says here when their name is called. "Harry?" He calls. No answer. "Mr Styles?" He calls again. Just then the door slams open with Harry standing there. 

"You're late Mr Styles" Mr King says. "Whatever" Is all he says. "Hurry up and take your seat" Mr King demands. Just my luck Harry walks over to me and stands there, staring down at me. 

"Move Payne" He says. I look up and just smirk. He actually thinks im gonna move just so he can sit down here, haha! "Nah, im comfy here" I said calmly. I hear a few gasps but continue to smirk at Harry. 

"I said move" He growled at me, his fists in tight balls. I just shook my head. "Listen Payne-" He starts but I cut him off, standing up. Im slightly taller tham him, I must have grew over the summer.

"Listen Styles. Im fed up of you thinking im a freak just because im gay. You used to be best friends with me before I came out. You used to batter anyone that would just call me a stupid name, but thats all changed now. You used to care about me Harry. You can't deny that. Plus, I have proof even if you do. My mum, your mum, photos, games we used to share, even a fucking braclet that says 'Harry and Liam' on it that you got from when you went on holiday. You got it because you felt bad about leaving me behind. Now look at you, you're a fucking dick. Im surprised anyone even talks to you" I said. Woah, I don't know where all that courage came from. I guess im just fed up of him pushing me around. 

I saw his eyes turn from just slightly angry to full on pissed off. He got his fist and slammed it into my stomach, twice. He pulled away with an expression on his face that I couldn't read. It wasn't anger, or even hate. It looked like he was worried. Why would he be worried? It didn't last long though before his fist slammed into my stomach again, and again and again.

"Mr King, aren't you going to stop that?!" A girl shouted, I think it was Danielle. "No, gays don't have rights" He stated simply. That caused the whloe class to go silent. Even Harry stopped punching me and looked up at the teacher. I was holding my stomach in pain and looked up at Mr King with fury in my eyes. 

That's it. I coudn't take this anymore! I shoved Harry out the way, grabbing my bag first, and stormed out the class. First day back and I was already being bullied. Even by a fucking teacher.

Harry's POV

Wait, did I just hear what I thought I heard? Mr King just said gays don't have rights. Wh-what? That was just uncalled for. I know I hate gays but that doesn't mean that I don't think they should have rights! 

Everyone just looked at him in shock. Even I stopped punching Liam to stare at him. I looked at Liam to see him grabbing his bag, still holding his stomach from where I punched him. He pushed past me and stormed out that class. I just looked at the door while people looked at me and Mr King. 

"Mr King?" I said. "Yes Mr Styles?" He answered. "You are such a fucking dick! That was totally uncalled for!" I yelled as I stormed out the class after Liam. I don't think anyone was expecting me to say that. 

"Harry Styles! You and Mr Payne have detention after school for a week!" He shouted after me. What did Liam do? He didn't do anything! I did the stupid thing as to punch him. All of that just because he didn't move when I asked him to. Im so stupid. I lost my best friend just because I didn't like the fact that he was gay. I know that was a while ago but still, I miss him. 

I ran around the school looking for him. The bell had went indicating that it was time for first period but I knew that Liam wasn't going to go after what just happened. I wasn't even going to go. I ran up to the top floor, checked in all the bathrooms there, then the middle floor and the bathrooms there. I checked the bottom floor and the bathrooms there too. Damn it Liam, where are you? 

I decided to look outside. I ran around the whole school looking for him with no luck. I decided to check the old time out place, the hut. We got a new one built over the summer and now this one was used as a drama/art supply building. It has like three rooms in it but only one of them is big enough to have a class in it. I ran around the outside of the hut and to my luck, he was there. 

Oh Liam, he looked so weak and upset! Damn it Harry! You probably made him like this more times than you can even imagine! This is where he probably came after I bullied him. He was sitting against the wall of the hut, just staring off out into the playing fields. He looked around and saw me and his face looked even more scared. Shit Harry, look what you've done! 

"W-what do you want?" He spat. I have to admit, the way he said it hurt a little. Wait, what am I saying? Man up Harry! "I came to see if you are alright" I said, walking over to him.

"Why would you care?" He asked, looking back out to the fields. "Because.." Just say it Harry! "Because I.. I want to fix you" I stuttered. He looked puzzled. "Fix me? What the hell do you mean?" He asked as I sat down next to him. He looked more relaxed knowing im not going to hurt him. 

"I want to fix you. From being gay. I want to make you straight again so.." I trailed off. "So what?" He sniffled. Aw damn it! He's been crying! Fucking teacher and fucking me! "So I can give us another shot. Ya'noo, being mates again" I said, hoping he would take me up on my offer. 

"Im perfectly fine being gay Harry. If you want to give being mates again another shot then you will have to put up with me being gay" He stated. Fuck. I want to be mates with him but I don't want him to still be gay! "Well then" I said standing up. "Tell me when you want fixing and I will" I began to walk away. 

"Harry?" He called. "Yeh?" I replied. "Where are you planning on going?" He asked. "I don't actually know.." I admitted. He chuckled, its nice to see him happy again. "Can you just stay here with me? I don't want to be alone" He said. "As long as you don't try anything on me then fine" I smiled, walking back over and sitting next to him. 

"Haha, don't worry, I won't try anything on you. You're not my type" He chuckled. I have to admit, that did hurt a little. Im not his type. Wait, what the hell am I saying? Im acting like I love him when im straight! And thats what im gonna try and make him. 

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