You're homophobic but you act so, so, so gay.

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Liam's POV

I woke up to a really annoying sound. A bloody alarm clock. Ugh, I hate those things! Wait.. That doesn't even sound like my alarm clock. What the hell? I opened my eyes and looked around. Im not at home, im at Harry's and Harry was cuddled into me. The fuck?! Please, please, please say that I have clothes on! I looked down to check, just incase, and I did have some on. Phew! I switched off the alarm, god, I hate those things! Now time to wake up Harry. 

"Harry? Time to wake up" I said softly. "Mmm, Leeyuummmm!" He moaned. "C'mon, we have school" I said. He opened his eyes and looked at me then winced. "Want some asprin?" I asked. "Yes please" I said closing his eyes in pain while reluctantly getting up. 

I walked down to his kitchen and grabbed some asprin, the same as I did last night, and then headed back upstairs. "Here ya go Haz" I smiled. "Thanks" He said while taking it. "I need to go get changed, will I meet you at school?" I asked. "No! I'll lend you some clothes" He said as he got up and walked over to his wardrobe. He pulled out some clothes for him and then for me.

What is with him lately? Wanting to 'fix' me, wanting me to stay with him at night and cuddle up to me and now not wanting me to go home to get changed and making me borrow some of his clothes. Its like he fancies me. But then again I wouldn't mind if he did.. No Liam! Stop thinking like that! I don't fancy Harry! Even if I did he would kill me, litterally.

"Thanks" I smiled before walking into the bathroom to get changed. "Li, i've seen you naked before. What's so different now?" Harry said. I stopped im my tracks and stared at him. Did he really just say that? 

"The differance now is that im gay and you hate gays" I replied. "You aren't gay Liam! Remember what happened last night?" He said. "Yes but I don't think you do.." I smirked. "Oh, by the way we have detention for a week with Mr King". "What?! With that homophobic bastard, no way in hell!" I yelled. 

"Sorry Li. The bright side is that you'll have me to keep you company" Harry winked. "You're so full of yourself Styles" I huffed. "You love me really Payne" He retorted. I walked into the bathroom again and locked the door and jumped in the shower. I yelped because the water hadn't warmed up yet so it was freezing. 

"You okay in there Li?" Harry called through. "Yeah! The water is freezing and I jumped in thinking it would be warm" I chuckled. "Oh, I thought you wacked your balls off the sink or something because if you had then I wouldn't be coming in to help you!". 

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever! You know you would if I did!" I laughed as I heard his loud laugh. "You wish!" He called back through. 

I finished off washing, jumped out of the shower and got changed into Harry's clothes. He had given me a grey Jack Will's top, some black skinny jeans and a black zip up hoodie. I walked out back into Harry's room to see him styling his hair. He turned around to see me and smiled. 

"You look good in my clothes. You should wear them more often" Harry said. "So i'll just grab all your clothes and run over the street to mine and keep then. You said to.." I joked. "Ha, I mean we should go shopping sometime and i'll show you the sorta stuff that I buy so you can get it. You really suit my look. You just need to jel your hair a little.." He said as he started messing around with my hair.

"Hey! Get off! I like my hair the way it is!" I huffed pushing his hands off my hair. "Liam! I just want to style it a little" He whined. "No Harry! Im leaving it and that's that" I said before we walked down into the kitchen. 

"You want anything for breakfast?" Harry asked. "Uh, no thanks. Can I get a cup of tea though?" I replied. "Sure. Milk and sugar? Wait, I still remember"  Harry smirked. He always used to make me a cup of tea, even if  didn't ask for one. 

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