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"There goes my chance." 

I eyed Jace who was pissed off at me, shockingly. I clicked my tongue and grabbed him by the collar. "I don't like the way you're doing this to Hiccup. You don't deserve him." I said as I grit my teeth. "And you do? If I'm correct, he's having these feelings because of you. Isn't it better for you to just disappear?" He said and I release him from my grasp. He's right. What is Hiccup to me? I haven't given it some thought. 

"Look, if you want him to yourself, that's fine, isn't it? Just make up your damn mind!" 

He nagged me again and went out to chase after Hiccup. I'm just standing here, dumb founded by everything. I didn't even think my actions through. I'm just waiting for a miracle to pass by which I believe would never happen unless I make it so. I tried to tell my parts to move, and run after Hiccup. But they refuse to do so. I guess the thought of catching Hiccup and doing nothing afterwards sounds like a big mistake. I have to do something!

At least I know, I don't want to lose him!

I ran outside the clinic, running like hell, sweating like a pig, until I saw Hiccup leaning on a wall, slouching down. Good thing Jace didn't find him first. I didn't want to spook him so I just sat beside him inches apart, in case he gets surprised. "Hiccup." I called out to him, but he stood up and threw a shoe at me.

"Leave me alone! You've been doing it for ten years now, so do it!"

"Calm down Hiccup." I told him.

He wouldn't stop crying and he wiped those overflowing tears from his face, trying to look strong and unaffected. But I want to tell him it's okay, and that whatever he wants me to do, I will try. Just so he won't leave my side.

"Listen," I told him, grabbing his wrist and gently letting him sit down the staircase again. He wiped his tears with his other hand and as I realize it, I quickly let go of his other hand that was in my grip. He pushed himself vloser to the walls just to put more distance between us. How very stubborn.

"I know I'm a very insensitive person. I'm not empathetic, I don't have common sense, but I always know what's wrong. You can lean on me." I told him and he groaned.

"You still don't understand! I don't want to be just friends with you, I want to be more than that." Hiccup said, breaking voice.

I gulped and tried to speak up, but here I go again with such empty words. I gathered all the courage inside me to tell Hiccup that one thing I've always eanted to tell him.

"Hiccup I--" I was cut off.


It was Thiana and Jace. That bastard doctor smirked at me with his hands on his pockets. Hiccup stood up from the staircase and ran away. I tried to catch up but Thiana grbabed my hand. "Stay, I need to talk to you." She said. Jace smiled at me and went after Hiccup instead. I sighed and let my hand go from Thiana. I can't believe I am acting this stupidly. "What's wrong Thiana?" I asked her and she clasped her hands and took a deep breath.

"Let's break up."

wow jack make up your damn mind!

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