17.2| A Hidden Truth

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    By morning, news of the attack had already began to spread around the entire kingdom. Rumors had reached to the ears of people about the failed assassination on the would-be heir to the throne—the firstborn princess, Yoko Agnis rex Castagne. However, what the people had not expected to hear was the identity of the one who had tried to take her life. It was no one else than the troublemaker witch who lived with her in the palace. The girl who, four years ago, had also been one of those involved in the rumors regarding the queen's untimely death.

    Jul Orben, the young witch.

    Inside his workroom, Basil was pacing alone back and forth in his steps, a thin smile evident on his lips. He once had his doubts with the witch he had entrusted with the job. Distrusting, even. After meeting and coming himself face to face with the woman from the other day, a feeling of uneasiness had plagued him like a curse. He had even had second thoughts about asking for help from Witchfolk after what he had witnessed. But now, such emotions were replaced with contempt.

    It was brilliant. He knew that she must have done something to the troublesome witch who always accompanied Yoko, something that made her try to kill his cousin in the middle of the night. No one would think of blaming Basil as the mastermind, because Yoko and Jul were each other's closest friends. Even Yoko herself would not have imagined that her dearest companion would try to hurt her. Basil could only imagine the look of betrayal on Yoko's face as she was about to be killed and was almost sorry to not have witnessed it.

    That is... if it had gone that way.

    Yoko was still alive, and that was the problem.

    Moments ago, Basil had just been summoned by the king in his sickroom along with the eleven elder councilmen, trusted advisers to his uncle. Lying on the bed, skin withered and clinging to his bones, he had given them an order to do everything to protect his precious daughter. He had been outraged that danger had befallen his child even within the protected walls of the palace. Basil had feigned worry and soothed his rage before excusing himself.

    "Of course, uncle. I will do my best."

    More than half of those in the palace were already in his faction. Eight of the councilmen supported his rise to the throne in the shadows, maintaining a neutral guise. He had already influenced a majority of the noblemen and the guardsmen to his side. The only problem was Yoko. As long as she was within the picture, he could not gain power. He needed her to disappear in order to climb and reach his goal to become the next king.

    "Your highness," someone spoke behind him.

    Basil whirled around and wiped the smile from his face, immediately on guard. He had not heard the door open and neither did he notice anyone else who had been with him in the room. He focused his eyes on the shadowed corner beside the tall cabinet, which was where he had heard the voice. It did not sound like someone he was familiar with. Basil lightly touched the hilt of his blade tucked within his sleeves, ready to defend himself if the need arose.

    "... Who's there?" he asked. The shadows seemed too opaque to make out anything that wasn't reached by the light. There was silence for a moment as Basil steadied his breath, waiting.

    Then suddenly, a young man calmly stepped out from the pitch black, as though he had entered through the wall despite the fact that the workroom was situated dozens of feet above the ground. Basil's eye widened as he looked at the newcomer's face. He recognized his fierce red gaze and the scar that traced his cheek.

    "You... you were a wizard?" Basil asked the young man who had accompanied the witch from last time. He was unable to hide his tone of revulsion.

The Wandering Witch VOL. 2 - The Witchfolk Genocide ArcWhere stories live. Discover now