Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

*Andrew POV*

                “Andrew!” My mom screeched at me.  I drop my phone and get up off the bed.

“What mom?” I replied as began to walk down stairs.  I hear my phone go off and I race back to my bed and look at the number. I frown when I see its Luke and mentally scold myself for my enthusiasm that it could be her. I’m being pathetic.

“Andrew, up next on the news something major happened at our mall! It made fox!” Mom yelled up to me.  I responded to Luke and walked down stairs.

“What happened?” I asked with mild interest. Mom was on the couch curled up with my Dad and my little brother who was 2 sat in the gated crib thing. I took a seat next to my Dad and put my feet up on the coffee table.

“Did your mom stutter, she said it was up next. We didn’t see it yet.” My Dad responded in a teasing tone. He smirked at me and I reached out and took a sip of his Budweiser beer.

“Andrew!” Mom scolded. “That is beer, you are way too young for that!” I pulled a very fake shocked look and dramatically put a hand to my throat.

“I didn’t know that was beer. I thought it was sprite.” I looked over at my Dad rolling his eyes. He coughed into his hand “Bull shit…cough…cough”  I smirked back and my Mom turned to the TV to watch the news. Mom turned up the volume so Bill Hemmers loud voice filled the room

“In the Vancouver mall yesterday, security footage shows two girls both age 17 tazered and after some struggle taken by force. They were thrown into a box van with no license plate.” The video then plays in what looks like a bathroom. You see a red head enter and then a burnet. After about two min, two men walk in the lounge of the bathroom. One locks the door and then the red head enters the shot again and is attacked. She struggles before one of the men shock her with a Taser. Then you see the bottom half of the other girl. Then man at the door charges after her and they both move out of the video cameras range. You see the red head’s face being forced into a bag then thrown very ungracefully over the guys shoulder. The second guy comes back in with the burnet thrown over his head. She is barley moving as they rush out the back exit of the bathroom lounge.

Two photos show up on the screen and my mouth drops in shock and I sit forward not wanting to believe it.  “The girls have been recognized as Kylie Wells and Nelly Murray. “ I grab my phone and call Luke. He answers on the second ring but I almost don’t hear him because I’m completely engaged in the news story about Nelly.

“Dude…Dude…. ANDREW!” Luke yells.

                “Nelly, the girl we met at the mall!” I speak in a urgent voice.  

                “Let me guess” he interrupted. “She text you” he said in a fake enthusiasm.

                “No you dick, she had been kidnapped! It’s on the news right now! Go look!” I scream into the phone then hang up. My parents look up at me in shock that I know the girl. I race to my room and get on my computer and search the story. It was the very same day I had been there with her. HOLY SH*T!   I grab my car keys and race down the stairs.

                “Im going out.” I yell over my shoulder. I get in the car and drive to the police station.

*Authors note*

Yes I know this doesn’t count as a full chapter so I will post a longer one very soon of Mark's POV (The girls caretaker person)  Please comment! I would really like someone to just be like “hey you should do this or this” anything really i just want some feedback. 

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