Chapter Two: The Beginning (Part Two)

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The man picked up the shocked girl and began to run towards the inner walls. Another man; slim with long golden hair walked towards the hole shouting while holding a book. Nobody bothered to pay attention to him. All of them were too busy trying to save their own lives.

The titan's stomps echoed throughout the town. Cries louder than ever. Screams of bloody murder. But no one did anything about it. They simply couldn't. Person after person got devoured alive. Life after life vanished from the surface. All at the same time. Titan steam rose up in many different places, turning the sky from light blue to a light gray color. Dust and dirt flying in the air made it harder to breathe. Blood was splattered everywhere. Most of the blood on the townspeople weren't even theirs.

Alex lifted her head up as the man ran with her thrown over his shoulder. The man from earlier that was yelling found himself in the possession of a brunette Titan. His face was filled with fear as he yelled even louder than before. The Titan brought the yelling man up to it's lips. Alex closed her eyes; not wanting to see anymore deaths caused by the titans. When she opened them she saw the book the man was holding merely seconds ago laying down on the dirt ground. The man's blood had soaked the pages, and Alex knew.

He too, had been devoured by one of the monstrous creatures. 

Alex lowered her head. Why did this have to happen? Everything was perfectly fine. So why?

The man set her down on the ground once they were far enough away from the chaos. He breathed heavily and Alex finally got a good look at him. He was one of the members from the Garrison. Not just any member -- a close friend of her parents. She had barely recognized him, he was older than the last time she had seen him. He had more wrinkles and creases on his face. 

"I-Ivan?" She asked surprised. The man stopped panting for a second and looked at the girl. "I'm sorry I couldn't save your sister. I would've if I could, but it seemed the wall had damaged her spine and paralyzed her. Even if I were to get her out of there she would have lived a horrible life," he explained looking at Alex with sorrowful eyes. Alex looked down. She knew it was true. She just didn't want to believe it. When Elisa had said she couldn't feel anything, Alex knew.

She knew that would be the end of Elisa Bethany Bellerose. 

But her own emotions pushed the thought away. Tears streamed down Alex's face and she looked up. "I know.." she said. Ivan looked at her with sad eyes then bent down and grabbed her shoulders. "Now, you're going to get on one of those boats and get out of here, understand?" He asked. She nodded looked back at the crowd of scared people that were hurrying to get on the boats. "Okay now go," he said pushing her forward. "What about you?" Alex asked looking back at him. He smiled at her, "I'm going to do my job and kill the titans."

She nodded as he used his gear and flew away. She let out a breath and ran through the crowd of people. "Discard your belongings! Let as many people on as possible!" A man yelled loudly. He looked at Alex and nodded seeing she didn't have anything but herself. He moved out of the way and let her on to the boat. Alex sat down next to a man who had a grim look on his face. Blood was splatted all over his dull green shirt, but seeing he was unharmed Alex doubted it was all his. 

"This can't be happening!" A man choked out.

"Please no.. please no.. Oh god why?" A woman cried. 

Suddenly they lifted the platform that made it possible to get on the boat which caused many people to panic. "It's at full capacity! It has to leave!" A man explained. Many complaints screamed from the group of people. There was a jerk then the boat started moving forward. Alex put a hand in her pocket and pulled out the slightly crumbled white rose. Tears threatened to spill from her eyes. Only less then an hour ago Elisa had given this to her. Now she's gone. 

"Let us on! Let us on!" The crowd screamed trying to push through the people holding them back. Two men ran and tried to jump on the boat, one didn't get a good grip and fell into the water. Alex just sat there staring at the rose. A loud boom caused the impatient people to stop trying to push through the Garrison members. Cannons were firing at the Titans, but missing horribly. Screams of the Garrison men echoed and suddenly the gate started closing. The people close enough started retreating; afraid they would be left behind. 

Loud stomps echoed through the air. Everyone paused not letting out a single breath. Their heads looked up at where the sound was coming from. An abnormal Titan walked calmly through the town. It was tall, and looked as if it actually had muscles and armor on. Gasps of the Garrison cadets escaped as they took a step back. The abnormal Titan put itself in a running position and looked directly at where the gate was closing. Then it took off running at full speed. The soldiers fired the cannons at it, but it did nothing. All of the soldiers retreated and started running to the gate with their lives on the line. The men screamed telling them to close the gate, but it was too late.

The Titan had ran into the wall shoulder first, creating a large hole in Wall Maria. Soldiers were sent flying into the air along with large rocks that once held the wall together. Debris and dust was everywhere making it hard to see. Everyone stared in shock. No one said anything. 

Alex was now standing looking at the Titan. The Titan opened it's mouth and let out fire like steam. Alex's eyes were wide in fear. Once again, she couldn't believe it. 

"It's over.." Someone cried.

"We're all going to die!" Exclaimed a woman.

"Humanity is going to be devoured all over again!" said a man. 

"Elisa.." Alex thought sadly staring at the now breached wall as it got smaller and smaller. She could already see the Titans pouring in. "No.. No.. This is all too fast.." she thought clutching the stem of the rose. Tears flowed down her face; but she didn't have the look of sadness. No. She was angry. 

"Why couldn't I have helped her? Why couldn't I have just stayed with her instead of putting myself farther away? It's all my fault! It's my fault that Elisa isn't standing next to me!" She thought angrily.

The boat arrived at Wall Rose. It was estimated ten thousand people were eaten by titans. 

"Come on kid. They said they're going to be handing out food." A man said shaking Alex awake. She blinked and looked around, not knowing where she was. "Tch," the man said walking away. She sat up and rubbed her eyes. "Elis-" she stopped. It all came back to her. The wall. The titan. Elisa.. 

She coughed and stood up, wiping dirt off her black and blue dress. It had been torn at the bottom, and blood was smeared on her chest. She gulped wondering whose it was. She walked out of the building to see all the people who made it from Wall Maria on boats. 

"Hey! Get in line, will ya?!" shouted a voice. 

"Shut up! I ain't eaten anything since last night!" shouted another.

"I didn't even eat anything last night.." Alex thought. The two men continued hitting and pushing each other. Suddenly Alex felt someone tugging on the bottom of her dress.

"Huh?" she said looking down. A short girl with blonde hair stood there looking up at her with brown eyes. "You don't have any food so here you can have half of mine!" she smiled tearing the piece of bread in half and handing one of them the Alex. She looked at the piece she was given. "It's all we get for today.. They told us to make it last," the girl explained then walked away.

Alex sighed and picked off a piece of the bread and shoved it in her mouth. She didn't realize how hungry she actually was.

Going to take another bite, the sound of someone being punched caught her attention instead. She looked over to her right to see a dark haired kid yelling at one of the soldiers. Assuming the soldier didn't like what he had said, Alex saw him punch the kid. The dark hair boy started yelling at the man again but before he could hit him again a blonde haired boy stood in front of the one laying on the ground and started apologizing for his friend's behavior. The man said something then walked away with a disapproving look on his face. Alex shook her head and took another bite of the bread. It wasn't her problem.

She tucked the remaining of the bread in her pocket along with rose. She still had it; and planned to keep with her wherever she went. It was the only thing she had left of her sister. 

It had been several days later, all the refugees were tasked with cultivating the wastelands to secure food. But food shortage was unavoidable. In the year 846, the central government sent a multitude of refugees on a mission in name of retaking Wall Maria. Of the two hundred fifty thousand sent.. nearly twenty percent of the population.. not even two hundred survived. 

"I'm going to join the Cadets next year, to make my family proud."


The interesting stuff will be happening soon. But what do you guys think of it so far? Comment your opinions, it would help a lot.

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