Chapter Twenty-Four: Expedition (Part Two)

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Multiple green flares shot up into the sky pointing to the left, changing the formation direction. The mission was still continuing -- even though the emergency flares where shot up, along with a few black ones. They weren't retreating. Squad Levi noticed it, and Auruo was the one to shoot the next bright green flare.

"I have a report!" shouted a soldier as he road up next to Squad Levi on his horse. Alex's eyes traveled to the speaking soldier.

"It's a verbal message," the man continued, "the search squad on the right flank suffered a devastating blow! They've lost the capability to scout the enemy. Please relay this message to the left flank!"

"So that's why there was a lot of emergency flares," Alex thought to herself. 

"You heard him, Petra. Go!" Levi said calmly looking back at the short haired girl. "Yes, sir!" Petra replied and turned left, leaving Alex's side.

"Armin's on that side.." Eren mumbled. 

"He's more in the center. Along with the other. The Titans probably haven't gotten that far yet," Alex assured him bluntly. She had studied the formation closely; making sure she memorized every detail. Because there is always the unexpected. 

Three black flares shot up to their right, not that far from them. "Black flares?!" Eren asked no one particularly. "A variant?!" He continued, looking over to his right as the black flares slowly disappeared into the air.

"Alex, you fire it." Levi said slightly looking back. Alex gave a small nod and reached into the bag of flares on her horse then shot a black one into the air.

"What a mess.. They let it get awfully deep inside the formation," Levi muttered to himself while thinking. Alex knew the plan; go into The Forest of Giant Trees. There would be a trap there, for the 'unexpected.' Alex didn't know how Commander Erwin knew there would be something -- anything -- during this expedition. But it wouldn't surprise Alex in the least. Maybe the Commander thought that the Colossal or Armour type Titans would try to come after Eren and her, after all, they broke the walls for a reason. 

"Captain! Captain Levi!" Eren shouted went they entered the center of the landmark. 

"What is it?" Levi asked with his usual bored tone.

"What? This is a forest! If only the center column enters the forest, we won't be able to see Titans coming! They seem to be coming from the right.. How are we going to avoid the Titans and protect the supply wagons?" Eren asked curiously and worriedly. Alex rolled her eyes -- he asked too many questions. All he needs to do is trust them.

"Stop whining about the obvious. There's no way we can do that anymore," Levi answered bluntly while looking forward.

"What?! Th-Then why?" Eren stuttered, obviously not getting the point.

"Look around you, Eren, at all these uselessly big ass trees," Alex said rolling her blue eyes. 

"It's the ideal environment to make use of our 3D Maneuvering Gear. Now think with that mediocre brain of yours. Think really hard if you don't want to die," Levi continued. 

"Yes, sir." Eren replied, getting the obvious now.

"What's with this? Stop messing around with us! What the fuck is going on?" Auruo muttered through gritted teeth. Alex rolled her eyes at him -- he was always the one saying how he knew everything. "Not this time bitch," Alex thought and smirked inwardly, but kept a straight face on the outside. Alex looked at her comrade's faces. They all showed confusion, they didn't know what was going on.

"I guess it's just Levi and I that know," Alex thought then looked forward.

Another black flare was shot, this time behind them. "Another black flare? That one came right behind us!" Eld spoke up, Alex could practically smell the panic in his voice. Yes -- smell, because it was too obviously by the sound. "It's whatever that came from the right," Eld said, more calmer.

"Everyone, draw your swords," Levi said pulling out of of his, "if it shows itself, it'll only be for a moment."

A soldier with dark hair revealed himself from the giant tree into the center of the path, directly behind the squad. Both Alex and Eren turned around to stare at the now still soldier in the air. Then in the blink of an eye, a female-type Titan came running with one hand covering it's neck, and the other smashed the brave soldier like a fly against the large trees. Eren gasped while Alex just blinked and looked away as the loud footsteps vibrated the ground. 

"So he was right," Alex thought thinking of what Erwin had said when he told them about the plan. But how did he know?

"Move it!" Levi shouted and all the horse started going at full speed. But the Female Titan was fast. Really fast. 

She ran up right behind the group and reached out of Alex and Eren, but her coordination was wrong and her hand went right through a tree -- allowing the group to get a head start as she stopped to position herself. But that didn't stop her from catching up -- she was fast. Alex looked behind her at the Female Titan, her face showed disgust when she saw it smiling.


"Is she having fun, killing people like flies?" Alex thought in disgust. How? How is that close to fun? Titans eat people -- and kill them in the process. She was just killing them to kill them. There was no real purpose to it; they were just in her way.

"There's no way to run from it in this forest!" Gunther said looking back at the Female Titan.

"It's gaining on us!" Eld shouted as the Titan grew closer.

"Captain! Let's switch to 3D Maneuvers! Captain!" Petra shouted desperately at the Captain. A soldier shouted something, but it was either too far or too windy for Alex to hear. The soldier used it's gear and showed up behind the female formed Titan.

"You have reinforcements from the rear!" Petra shouted with hope. Alex wished she wouldn't do that -- hope only makes it more painful in the end. The soldier that had shouted before shot their grapple, but the Female Titan dodged it then grabbed the cord and made a bloody sandwich between a large tree and her back; the soldier being in the middle. 

Another soldier that was in front of the Titan got killed when it grabbed their cord too and slammed them into one of the trees and sent blood flying everywhere. Everyone in the group stared back with wide eyes full of fear except Alex and Levi; the ones who knew the risky plan. 

"Captain! Your instructions?!" Petra yelled with fear.

"Let's do it! That one's dangerous! We should kill it!" Auruo yelled. 

"I'm gonna waste you," Eld growled pulling out one of his swords.


"Tell us what to do!"

"It's almost on us!"

"We're going to kill it!"

More yelling and shouting came from the group as they all questioned their Captain. Eren looked over at Alex, not understanding how she could stay calm in this situation.

Just like Levi.

Levi turned around, "Cover your ears, everybody." The soldiers gave him a questioning look, but obeyed and put their hands over their ears as he shot a sound flare. Alex looked behind her, only to see the Female Titan kill another soldier.

Yep, nothing but blood.


That's a thing that happened.

Sorry for the late update today, I wasn't feeling that good this morning and then I was just too lazy to write, but I eventually did as you can see cx

So after all the stuff that happens in the anime happens in the story, I just decided to use my imagination with bits and pieces of the manga. One, because I don't want to spoil everything, but there will still be spoilers in it just warning. Two, because I don't remember every last detail that happened in the manga and I don't want to go back and read it all because it'd take forever and the pages only take two seconds to read so it makes my internet and computer lag whenever I switch pages >.<

Anyways, leave a comment about what you think!

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