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JIMIN blinks. then turns his head so slowly to look at his noona as soon as he heard what she said.


"that can't be! i—i hang out with them here all the time!" the poor boy defends himself, but instead of an actual answer, he only receives a look of.. pity? sympathy? god, does he despise it when someone looks at him that way. his parents look at him like that ever since. is this the reason why they kicked him out of his life and made him stay in a place where people who have messed up brains live?

because he is messed up as well?

jimin shook his head. the tears that are once begging to crawl out of the corner of his eyes are now flooding his cheeks. the face that always has that cheerful and happy smile long gone.

"jimin hyung!" he hears and instantly, jimin looked behind him. only to be greeted with jeongguk and that bunny smile of his that the older has accustomed to. "why are you crying?"

"i—i'm crazy. you—you are not real!" he shouts. pointing at jeongguk with fear in his eyes. the younger one looking at him with furrowed eyebrows as he hears his hyung call him things.

the bubblegum haired boy covered his ears with his tiny hands as he closed his eyes shut. feeling the gaze of his noona and his friends on him with disgust.

jimin should be used to this. after all, he is a messed up person to begin with.

— —

silent cries filled the quiet room. there is nothing to be heard but his constant sniffing and sobbing. it was an ugly sight to see such a usual carefree person look so down and broken hearted.

the door opened, revealing his noona in the same uniform when jimin sees her. only this time, there was no smile present on her face.

"come on, jimin. it's time to go." and who was jimin to say no, right?

the ride there was extremely short. but it was enough to clear the poor boy's mind up. accepted himself? no, he can't call it that. he accepted his state. yeah. that's more like it.

jimin needs more time to actually like himself for who he is. jimin needs more time to accept that this is who he is. that this is park jimin.

the familiar doors stare down at him making him feel smaller than he actually is and it's scary knowing that behind it will reveal the truth. noona placed a hand on his shoulder and opened the furniture for him. jimin stepping inside as soon as it squeaks.

to say that park jimin is scared will be an understatement. he is terrified. even though, he now knows about his condition there is still a hint of fear.

and it hurts him.

but once he looked up and meets the eyes of his friends — those eyes that look at him with so much love and care that his own parents cannot give. — jimin decided that this is enough. that he is content with what he has now. with a messed up brain or not. with real friends or not. he is happy.

and that is all that matters.

— —

this was supposed to be the last chapter
but i changed what happened in the end so now
yall are gonna get one more (c" ತ,_ತ)
last chapter is next chapter
so please stick w me till the end ! ('∀`*)

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