Crushcrushcrush- Chapter Two

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After waking up in the nurse's office, Emile rubbed her caked eyes slowly. The large grandfather clock in the corner said it was only 5:30 am. With that knowledge, the Ravenclaw swung her legs off the bed and stood up, wavering slightly.

A piece of paper and tissues were on the table beside her. She wiped her eyes and quietly left, clutching the paper. It was just another note from Madame Pompfrey, she supposed.

Making her way up to Ravenclaw tower, she mumbled the answer to the riddle before sulking her way up to the dorm she shared with Joyce and one other seventh year girl, Alicia. Alicia was the figurehead of the Ravenclaw's, with her perfect grades and looks, and her amazing performances on the Ravenclaw quidditch team. Emile hated her.

Emile struggled to pull off Ravenclaw class grades, and was the one girl who didn't go to Quidditch matches. She didn't see herself perfect in any way, but Joyce always told her that Taylor was wrong about what he said about Emile's looks. But, Emile always was very low-self confident.

Joyce was still asleep, but Alicia wasn't even in her bed. There was one thing about Alicia, that she never slept in her bed. She was always in her boyfriend's room, doing god knows what. Emile opened her trunk and fished out her robes, hands shaking as she pulled out her bathroom bag. The teen felt immensely paraniod, believing that Taylor would just prance in and hurt her. She made her way to the bathroom, her robes thrown over her shoulder.

The note was clasped in her hand, and as soon as she slipped into a bathroom stall, she unfolded it and let herself read it.

Unlike every year, this was a letter from Professor Snape.


Meet me in my classroom before breakfast. We have things to discuss.

-Professor Snape

She ripped up the note and threw it in the toilet, flushing it quickly. Her hands lessened their shaking as she got into the shower, where Emile quickly washed up. When she got out, she put on a pair of black skinny jeans and a white tanktop, then put on a pair of combat boots. She slipped her robes overtop them all, then magically dried and straightened her hair.

Canvas bag at her side, she stepped quietly out of the Ravenclaw dorms and common room. The blonde slowly paced herself down into the dungeons, the familiar path to the potions classroom filling her with a small sense of dread. This was Taylor's domain. He could hurt her down here...

But he didn't wake up until 9:00 at the least. So, she slipped into Professor Snape's classroom, which was empty.

Emile didn't think he would be here this early, so, with trembling lips, she called out, "Professor?"

A dark chuckle came from the darkened corner, a chuckle that Emile immediately wanted to run away from.

Taylor slipped out of the darkness and walked over to the paralysed with fear girl. He stroked her cheek, and she just stood still.

"I have plans to get you back, my love." He murmured in her ear, his hand gripping her hip uncomfortably. Emile just swallowed, unable to make herself move. "And you're coming with me right now."

Emile let Taylor drag her out of the classroom, faintly wondering why he chose Professor Snape as a front. Her mind went blank as she was shoved into a broom closet with Taylor.


Emile didn't move from her spot on the cold dungeon floor. She didn't want to. It hurt too much to move. Her head was pounding, and her eyes were lulled open as she stared blankly at the cool stone floor. Her wand was several feet away, canvas bag ripped and the contents littered around her. Her breathing was shallow, and clothes were hastily placed upon her body.

Nobody passed by, as this was a lesser known path to the Slytherin common room.

Emile tried reaching for her wand, but pain surged through her lower half and she had to stop. A quiet sob ripped through her throat and she cried out for help again.

"" she choked out, and fell silent at hearing the sound of footsteps.

Familiar footsteps.

"Professor!" She nearly screamed, and heard the footsteps come closer. Soon, oh so soon, her vision was obstructed to seeing the very concerned look of Professor Snape.

Waves of relief flowed through her, and she painstakingly reached up. "Professor..please, help.."

The ravenette nodded quickly, putting his stony mask back on. He gathered her things and fixed her bag, slipping her wand inside. He slid it onto his shoulder and picked her up carefully, noticing how she winced when he touched the back of her knees to carry her.

With a low frown, he asked, "Who?"

"You know who." Emile blinked slowly, owlishly. "Can we go to Madame Pompfrey's?"

"Yes." Severus replied, before making his pace match those of a student late for class.

Emile fit herself into the silence; eyes shutting and letting herself bounce in her professor's arms with each of his powerful steps. She sighed quietly as she felt a sudden change overcome her, it felt like something had clicked into place. She ignored it and allowed her head to droop down.

"How did this happen, Harris?" Snape questioned the Ravenclaw, who let a painful sigh escape her lips.

"Taylor pretended he was you, and sent me a note. I believed you wanted to speak to me, but when I got to your classroom..." She trailed off, going silent.

"He raped you." He spoke quietly, the sentence harsh and voice somewhat cracked.

"Yeah. It's not the first time." She squeezed her eyes tightly shut, holding back a sob.

Severus went silent as he neared Poppy's office, laying Emile down on a cot. "I'll get Poppy." And he left, leaving her bag next to her bed.


Taylor layed in bed with Alicia, who curled into his side. He gently stroked her hair, and he felt a smile toy on her lips.

"Did you teach her?" The sadistic Ravenclaw asked her boyfriend of five years, and he nodded with a smirk.

"I taught her not to make a fool of me, ever again." He purred in her ear, kissing and nibbling it.

Alicia let out a satisfied giggle, leaning into his playful mouth. "Good."

He pulled her closer and straddled her, leaning down and kissing her lightly. "Maybe I have to teach you too, just~ much more nicely."

The redhead grinned and slipped her hands under his shirt.


Severus took a seat at the Grand Table for breakfast, nearly throwing a hissy fit when he saw Taylor Madric enter the room.

He would pay, oh yes he would.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2014 ⏰

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