Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: A Beautiful Boy

I tossed and turned all night. I wasn't able to sleep after the huge argument with my brother Danny. One would expect twins to get along, but, him and I argued about everything. I love him, but we are so different it's hard to get along. I wish I had someone to understand me. After the discussion, we both agreed it would be best for him to move out of the apartment to spend some time apart to avoid further damage to our relationship. Although, what was truly keeping me up at 5 AM was the haunting words he said before he packed his things and left.

"You'll end up alone if you keep fucking anything that moves without having consideration of people feelings " he whispered after he found me hooking up with his best friend.

Yes, I admit I am a slut and not just for the Doritos. But I can't help it. I feel this void in me, that is only filled, even if it's for a few mins, while I'm doing someone. "One day, I'll find hi..." I started saying before darkness took over, and I fell asleep.

2 hrs later.....

"ugh, who the fuck is calling me so fuck early!?" I yelled as I answered my phone.

"Justin!!" My best friend yelled back " Early? You irresponsible prick!" I back the phone a few inches away from my ear. " ITS 7:25am. We haven't been to school in two weeks . We have to make it to homeroom before it ends!"

"but Maayaa. I couldn't sleeeep last night" I whined " can't we go back tomorrow? I need sleep."

Maya let out a sigh before replying "No, Justin. I just got an email stating: if we keep not showing up for school, we will be repeating our senior year. We cant be in High school another year. it will be hell!". Yes, that would be hell. ugh, why is my life so hard.

"Fine. I'll pick you up in 10 min." today is going to be an extremely long day. I just know it.

" okay see you in ten mins. Gotta go get ready." she said hurriedly.


"what's wrong" her voice now laced in worry.

"He left. Danny...He couldn't deal with me anymore" my voice cracked a little. I was not able to completely process it until now. "Am i that horrible to be around?" Tears on the bridge of falling.

"Oh, Justin. Your wonderful. Don't ever doubt that. We'll talk more in 10 min. Love you!! Now get dressed." What would i ever do without my best friend?

"Okay, i'll see you soon. Love you too". I said before hanging up.

It was 7:30 am by the time we ended the call. School had already started. We had to make it to school before homeroom was over, at 8:15 am, or we would be counted as absent. I got out of bed and headed to the bathroom to clean up. I couldn't recognize that guy staring back at me through the mirror. His usual olive skin was pale, he had bags under his puffy eyes, from the lack of sleep, his unruly hair everywhere. I look like a mess, even after my effort to look as decent as possible. After, getting everything done, i checked the time on my phone realizing it's 7:45. I have to hurry to be able to make it on time, luckily Maya lives a few blocks away. As my car was warming up, I texted Maya to be outside in 5 min. Maya, my best friend, and I are very close, many people think we are dating which i don't blame them, not only is she beautifully breathtaking, but is also an amazing human being with a great personality. I would date her, if it weren't for the fact that we are both gay. 

Fortunately, we made it to homeroom by 8am. When we walked in the whole class, including our teacher, Mrs. Garcia, was surprised at our presence. All eyes were on us for what felt like minutes as we walked to the back of the class to find our seat. Mrs. Garcia seemed to recover first.

"Justin, Maya. nice of you to join us." her voice sweet and kind. Although, I would never admit it she has always been my favorite teacher. Along with her soft voice, her small petite figure and short caramel colored hair gives her a motherly aurora. She makes me long for a motherly figure in my life. I have always wondered if my life would be the mess that it is if i had that motherly figure in my life...still daydreaming about what my life would have been, i drowned out the words Mrs. Garcia is saying as she explains the process of cellular respiration and only focused on her soft tranquil voice. That is until the door slams open, shifting everyone's attention including mine from Mrs. Garcia to the door.

As the principal walks in, he helps up the person that had fallen to the floor 5 seconds ago. From where i am sitting i do not have a clear view of who made this extremely disruptive entrance, but as the mysterious individual stands up their back is to the class. That ass. The things i can do to that perfectly round ass.They then go directly to Mrs Garcia to hand her a pink slip. As she reads this slip, her small smile turns into a grin.

" Class. I am proud to announce we have a new student joining us at East View High school" she says with great excitement. She then turns them around to face the the class.

A Boy. A beautiful boy. 

His Troubled Eyes// jyler// (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now