{Chapter one}The first day of school

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It was a warm summer night and yet Anne couldn't seem to fall asleep. The sound and the charming smell of the summer rain was keeping her awake. There she was lying in her bed looking at the cherry tree right by her window. She was reminiscing about the lovely summer she'd spent with her bosom friend Diana Barry when it occurred to her that school was starting the next day. She thought about how she'd greet everyone and figured out the perfect way to tell the adventures she'd lived. Eventually dear Anne was so tired that she fell asleep anyway.

Rosemary (that's the name she'd given to the sun) woke her up gently. A few minutes later Marilla came knocking at her door.
"Anne it's time for breakfast" she called.
"I'll be down in a second Marilla" Anne replied.
As she made her way down the stairs she overheard Matthew and Marilla talking about none other than Gilbert Blythe. She was shocked to hear that he was back in town but she didn't let it occupy her for long.

A light knock on the front door told her that Diana had arrived. She kissed Matthew and Marilla goodbye and opened the door.
"Oh Diana, how I've missed you" Anne cried.
Diana looked at her and said "But dear Anne it's only been two days"
Anne turned toward the barn and waved at jerry. As soon as he waved back she turned back to Diana and they walked to school.
"Did you hear? Apparently Gilbert Blythe is back in town."
"He sure is!"
They both turned around at the sound of the all too familiar voice. And there he stood in all his pride with a huge grin on his face, Gilbert Blythe.
"Gilbert!" called Diana.
"Gilbert." said Anne sounding the least excited as possible.
"Anne it's a pleasure to see you too"
As much as she didn't want to admit it, Anne had missed Gilbert's sly remarks.
They walked the rest of the way in silence.

As they arrived on school grounds Anne saw Ruby Gillies and ran toward her. Diana said goodbye to Gilbert and joined the two.
"Where's Josie?" Anne asked.
"She's caught a bad fever." was Ruby's answer.
"I've missed you two so much." She said.
"We've missed you too!" Diana replied.
Then Ruby started to go on and on about how excited she was that Gilbert was back.

That day after school Anne wanted to go to the woods. But Diana couldn't come with so she went alone.

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