Chapter Three.

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Here's chapter Three. i hope you lie it:) there's a lot more explanations in this one, but it's still pretty hilarious. OH and for those of you that like Michael, i HOPE you don't after this chapter. i know that some people have like almost "rape" scenes, but i didn't want him to be that much of a jerk. lol. ANYHOO, i'll get on with it....ENJOY.

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It's like Monopoly, But Physical.

Chapter Three.

It's a Saturday at six in the morning. I shouldn't even be thinking, much less functioning this early. I instantly regret yesterday at school. Only because I have to get up early though. Don't get me wrong, I love the weekend, but not until it gets dark I think that I'm more of a night person.

"Hey, Abbs, are you up?" I hear a familiar voice ask on the other side of my door.

"Five more minutes!" I groan. Technically, I'm ahead of schedule. I got up an hour ago; took a shower, brushed my teeth, blow dried my hair, but I haven't gotten completely dressed. I got my bra, sock, underwear and shirt on, but that's as far as I made it.

Then I hear the door open. "Abby, you said that ten minutes ago," the voice says with a chuckle.

"Van, I swear if you come any closer, I will cut off something very valuable to you," I threatan, but feel him plop down on my bed next to me. "Vannn! Go away!"

"No, not until you get up," he replies, while pulling the covers over him. As I scoot farther from him, I feel his hand lightly trace my butt.

"Hey! Hands above the covers!" I warn and hear him chuckle. I know just why he's laughing too; he's thinking about when we were little.

"Dude, I remember your dad used to tell me that every time I spent the night over here when we were little," he says laughing.

"Yeah, and I remember you never listening!" I throw at him, holding back a laugh. I make a loud annoyed sigh as I drag myself out of bed and stumble to my closet. I grab a short jean skirt and slip my long tan legs through it. I slide on my black low top Converse by the closet door. "Alright loser, let's go," I say to Van, picking up my phone and sliding it into my back pocket. I would be so screwed without back pockets. That's where I carry everything important; my money, my keys, and my phone. I've tried to be a 'real' girl before and carry a purse, but I never remember to grab it.

Van gets up from my bed and looks at what I'm wearing. "Nice shirt," he laughs and grips the fabric and then drops it. My shirt is awesome compared to his hair that literally looks like he just got out of bed. Normally his hair is always in the perfect place. Every blonde strand has it's own place.

"Hey! Can't you read? It says 'don't touch this' and what's the first thing you do?"

"Touch it," Van smiles.

I roll my eyes. "I don't think you should be worried about my shirt especially when your hair looks like that," I laugh. "It looks like you took a wisp and tried to make scrambled eggs on your head."

Van laughs, "again, not making sense."

I ruffle my hand through his hair until it falls just right. "There, now you don't look too weird," I tell him and walk out of my room, with Van following close behind. Like always.

Van and I walk through the detention room with less than a minute to spare. "Well, if it isn't the two teenagers that were sent from hell," Mrs. Stobb says to us. Out of all of the teachers, she's the oldest, grouchiest, and strictest. I'm serious, the woman has to be at least eighty, either that or time has been really rough on her.

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