I was on Facebook earlier and I came across a post made by one of the pages I like. It showed a picture of a girl and a boy with down-syndrome on prom night. The caption to the picture said "Love this! There is so much fear around what people don't understand. This girl rocks! She took a boy with down-syndrome to the prom with her. How many likes and shares for this beautiful picture? ♥". Now, I have no doubt that what she did is a beautiful thing. It's always nice to see teens stepping up for human equality. It is really nice to know that not all people are afraid to do what thy think is right, just because others around them might think it's wrong or stupid or uncool. So for that she has my respect.
Alot of people commented on the picture making very good arguments why it is a good or bad thing that the page posted that. Some thought it was a good thing because it encourages people overlook differences amongst them and because it's a nice reminder that we should step up too. Others thought it was a bad thing because it confirms that the norm would be to bully, make fun of, tease or neglect this boy because of his differences and many people didn't ike the way the caption said that she took him to the prom, what if he took her to the prom? What if she's the one who's lucky to be his date and not the other way around?
This argument got me thinking and what bothers me the most is that I usually find it easy to make up my opinion on matters like these but here I am totally confused not knowing what to think.
So I am updating this as a peek into my brain at the moment for those who are interested. And if you bothered reading it, please give me your opinion on it.