[Season 1] Chapter One: Game Set Max

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As I walked towards him I knew he would be a great advisory. He had Steampunk style goggles and a Steampunk design flamethrower. But I had something just as good, putting on the ring I said the command to activate it. "En Fuego!" And my arms engulfed in flames.

Let me back up. My name is Julian most people in the real world call me Jay and I am one of the few players of Game Max. Game Max is a world created to bring peace to people of all different planets but the first group chosen became known as The Invaders because they tried to take over this very place. I am part of the group called The Protectors, we defend Game Max or at least try. See we are just starting out whereas most of the Invaders are at least Level 30 to at most Level 62. My avatar is a Level 5 Ninja but with enough time one day I will be strong enough to defend Game Max. See there are twelve battle classes and a lot of people become dual class once they get to Level 25, some don't but it's very rare. These classes are Mages the Masters of the Mystic Arts, Ninjas the Masters of Stealth, Technicians the Masters of Technology and Crafting, Archers the Masters of Arrows, Fae the Masters of Woodland Magic, Priests and Priestesses the Masters of Healing, Elven the Masters of Nordic Magic, Enchanters the Masters of Upgrades, Warriors the Masters of Swordplay and Fighting, Psychics the Masters of the Mind and finally Dragon Masters the Master of well Dragons. Some speculate there are more classes but none have been found but anyway. I'm going to start at the beginning but I'm going to make the freak out less long and less embarrassing.

"GAME SET MAX!" I shouted once I put the silver bracelet on and a flash blinded me before my vision went black. Then I woke up confused.

Where was I? It seemed like an old village and was I wearing the outfit I chose for my avatar? Wait why is my hair shorter? I looked in the water of the well and screamed. I can't be my avatar! How did I become Shade! (Shade is my avatar's name.) "What the heck is going on." I said and I was not expecting a voice to answer. When it did I spun around. "You are in Game Max. Pleasure to meet you I'm Necrae." She said and her tone and actions seemed so human I had to guess she was like me. Deciding against my real name I told her. "I'm Shade." After introductions she explained what happened and I felt....well I wouldn't say better...more calm? Yeah that works. I felt calmer knowing I was alone and she seemed nice. Nice was hard to find especially when I'm forced to stay home by my abusive Uncle who is my guardian unfortunately and this may not be bad, it could definitely be an escape. "Well this is kinda cool and kinda scary." I admitted to her. She just laughed and said. "Trust me I know the feeling. Been here a few days even with the option to go back. I'm a Level 5 Fae what about you?" I looked at her for a moment. "Level 1 Ninja. Seems you are a bit ahead of me." I said chuckling. "Yep and I'm going to enjoy it while I can. Glad we met. And if you want I can help you level up." She offered. "Sure. Lead the way."

[The photo is my drawing of Shade, Jay's avatar.]

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2018 ⏰

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