Where It All Began

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Let me tell you a tale of sorrow, pain, agony, and hate.

The House Of Phenex was one of the three Devil Clans out of the 72 pillars that survived the aftermath of the Great War they were noble Devils who were respected among many but also were known to be arrogant and cocky and looked down on lesser Devils this cruel nature would eventually be there undoing however when the second heir to the House Of Phenex was born (Y/N) Phenex.

Despite being a Phenex (Y/N) couldn't use his power like the rest of his family could and due to that he was shunned and mocked by his family even down to his mother.

Years had continued to pass by and (Y/N) Powers still happened surfaced to the point where his father grew irritated with the boy and would beat him for "being such a failure" the abuse however didn't stop with his father his older brother Riser saw his kid brother as weak and inferior to him and would use him as his personal stress reliever or test dummy for his new powers essentially (Y/N) was a walking breathing punching for the family until one day he decided to fight back against Riser leaving him a nasty scar across his nose which he vowed that young (Y/N) would soon pay for.

(Y/N) was dragged out of his room by force by both his father and brother who later took him deep into the woods away from the eye of other and they both relentlessly started beating and torturing the poor boy as they left multiple noticeable burn marks across his body Riser continued to beat on his brother until blue flames started to emerge from his body which were on pare with Lord Phenex's flames at that time causing them both to back away in fear.

When (Y/N) rose up to his feet where he wasn't badly scarred began to heal but the marks on his eyes, arms, and jaw were permanently scarred the Young Phenex let out the destructive burst of power covering the whole wooded area in blue flames forcing both Riser and his father to run back to the Phenex manor to call for assistance on containing the flames.

Meanwhile (Y/N) used this as an opportunity to escape knowing full well the other family households would more than likely come and aid in trying to but out the flames. Weeks went by other he managed to get away and the whole time the main thing that was driving him to keep on moving was Revenge. He vowed to make both his father and brother pay and vowed to make the underworld know the feeling of ultimate terror and what true power looked like. As if his prayers were answered (Y/N) ran across a strange stone that was pulsing with life and energy when he touched it however the boy was immediately transported into a entirely new area that was completely unfamiliar to him the boy continued the search the area he was in until he ran into some demons who were looking for a fight (Y/N) instinctively used his new found powers on them but ended up setting most of the current area ablaze while killing the demons in the process.

(Y/N) was continuously fighting demons in this new world to the point where there was talks among them about a child decimating every demon that cames in his path which eventually caught the attention of a certain woman. (Y/N) found himself nearly drained and exhausted but refused to lie down and bleed not before he settled the score with his father and brother just when it looked to be the end (Y/N) was saved by a woman who would later be his queen Albedo.

Albedo began to question why was the boy here and what was with his scars at first he refused to tell her but saw she would continue to press the issue if he didn't explain so he explained his story to her needless to say she was pissed and wanted blood but the boy wanted this to be done on his terms he wanted them to suffer by his hands and by nobody else's but knew he couldn't do it alone and also wanted to leave a everlasting impact upon the underworld. Albedo saw the burning desire in the boy's eyes and way carried himself and couldn't help but to fall in love with young (Y/N) she then vowed her undying loyalty to the boy and that she would aid him in anyway possible in making his dreams a reality which (Y/N) took full advantage of which began the preparation of Day Of Reckoning for the House Of Phenex and the attack on the underworld. But first (Y/N) knew before he could attack the underworld and conquer one of there 3 main households he had to conquer his current challenge....Limbo.

As the years passed (Y/N) managed to bring the demons together to forge his army and and build up his peerage and castle after finally conquering Limbo. (Y/N) spent most of years ruling as the king of Limbo dubbing him The King Of The Damned as himself, his peerage, and the other lost souls here were all damned and had no place within the underworld with the Devils and would be killed on the spot by the other factions just for sport. But with (Y/N) being there new King he immediately put everyone to work as the time to make there prescience known was soon at hand and wanted his Peerage and army to be ready for whatever is to come that even included himself which resulted in him training in different arts and abilities and continuing to grow his rare/unnatural Phenex Blue Flames which he named Majestic Destroyer Flames. As everyone was preparing (Y/N) saw the improvements and saw how his men and Peerage had grown over the years and believed that they were all ready to make there way back to the underworld but they had to wait for the right time to strike and (Y/N) caught wind from one of his spy's that his brother Riser was holding a engagement party to celebrate the union both his family and the House Of Gremory which was the golden opportunity that he needed and was truly couldn't wait to show the Devils just what type of monster the House Of Phenex created as the remnants of there past will soon return to take the stage and give the underworld a night they will truly never forget.

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