Chapter 1

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"I can't believe you, Harry!" Ginny yelled.
"What is wrong with you?!"

"'What is wrong with me?' 'What is wrong with me!?' Oh my God, Ginny, you are so fucking stupid!" Harry yelled back. "I did it because he makes me happy! He makes me feel wanted! Unlike you, who makes me feel worthless! You make me feel like shit! I hate that your coping mechanism is getting drunk and yelling at me!" Tears creeped from his eyes.

"You could help me!"

"I did! I tried to, but your response was to throw a glass bottle at me!" Harry wiped his eyes. "It's over! And I'm taking the kids!" Harry turned around to walk upstairs.

Ginny took out her wand. "One more step. I dare you."

A month ago.....

"Ginny, please put down the firewhiskey." Harry said.

"Leave me alone!" Ginny's words were slurred.

"I'm trying to help you. Just put down the bottle- "

"No!" Ginny spun around and threw the bottle at him. Harry dodged, and it hit the wall and shattered. "Get out! GET OUT!"

Harry ran out the door of the house. The pouring rain soaked his clothes as he ran to Ron and Hermione's house.

He ran onto their porch and slammed his fist on the door. Ron opened the door.

"Bloody hell, Harry!" Ron led him inside. "Why were you walking in the rain? You're soaked!"

"I didn't walk. I ran." Harry panted. He gripped Ron's forearm.

"Why the bloody hell did you do that!?" Ron cast a drying spell.

"I was scared and I didn't think to use my magic." Harry followed Ron into the living room. They sat on the couch. Harry's grip on Ron's forearm didn't loosen.

"Who scared you?! I'll bloody kill them."

Harry gave out a dry laugh. "I don't think you want to kill your sister."


"She threw a bottle of firewhiskey and yelled at me to leave. So I came here." He shrugged.

"Wha- why would-be what?! Why would she do something like that!?"

Harry flinched.

"I'm sorry I yelled." Ron rubbed his back. Harry leaned on Ron's shoulder.

"It's okay. I'm used to it."

"Used to- so Ginny.... has this happened before?"

"She's never thrown anything at me before.... but she gets drunk. She usually goes to bars. She always smells like sex when she comes back... And we don't sleep together. I sleep on the couch."

"Let me get this straight, Ginny, my sister and your wife, goes to bars, gets drunk, returns, smelling like sex, and you can't share a bed with her because she makes you sleep on the couch?"

Harry nodded. Ron hugged him.

"Have you... tried to help her?" Ron whispered.

"Yes. But she threw a bottle at me." Harry whispered back. A sob raked through him. Ron held him tighter.

Harry cried and cried, and Ron held him tight, rubbing his back. Finally, Harry sniffed. He had calmed down.

"Do you want some tea? A treacle tart?" Ron asked.

"Can I have both?"

"Of course." Ron got up and walked to the kitchen. He brewed Harry's favourite kind of tea and heated up a leftover treacle tart. He put them on a breakfast tray and walked back to the living room. Harry was propping pillows that he Conjured on the armrest of the couch.

"What are you doing?" Ron set the tray on the coffee table.

"Um.... setting up pillows so I can sleep? I'm sorry, I assumed you'd let me crash on your couch."

"You're not. You're sleeping beside me on my bed. You deserve to sleep beside someone, even if it's me."

"W-what? What about Hermione?"

"Oh.... I've been meaning to tell you. Hermione and I.... we divorced last week."

"Oh my God, I'm sorry."

"No, no, it's fine." Ron sat back down beside him. "We didn't fit. We kept on fighting, and it stressed us both out. We're still friends, and we both have partial custody of Rose and Hugo. We're happier now."

"Oh... well, I'm happy you're happy." Harry grabbed the teacup and took a sip. "I'm not sleeping in the same bed as you."

"Why not?"

"It would be..... you would feel weird."

"I wouldn't. Would you?" Harry shrugged. "When you're done eating and drinking your tea, we'll go to sleep in my bed. If you feel uncomfortable, I'll sleep on the couch."

"No, it's your bed- "

"And you're my guest, and you haven't slept in a bed in a while."

Harry sighed. "Okay."

He ate his treacle tart and drank his tea. They walked upstairs into Ron's bedroom.

Ron tossed some pajama pants and a shirt at him. "Here." He changed quickly while Harry was too.

"Um... I don't sleep with a shirt on." Harry muttered.

"That's fine." They crawled into bed. Harry put his glasses on the nightstand.

"Good night." Ron laid on his side, facing Harry, even though all he saw was Harry's back.

"Good night."

They fell asleep.

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