Chapter 5

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Things get pretty gay in this chapter! This chapter is a rollercoaster. Fluff, violence, and fluff and smut.

Ron and Harry Apparated back to Harry's house, if you could even call it that anymore. Harry hated that place.

Ron gave him a hug, and Harry hugged him back. He tried to pull away, but Ron's strong arms were wrapped tightly around him.


"Don't go."

"Huh?" Harry looked up at Ron. He used to hate being shorter than Ron (and almost everyone else for that matter), but now he really loved how he could bury his face in Ron's chest and listen to his heart beat with ease.

"I don't want you to go."

Harry gave him a sad smile. "I'll be fine."

Ron gripped his shirt. "I love you." He could feel his heart beating faster.

"I love you too."

Ron smiled and finally let go of his best friend. "Bye."

"Bye." Ron Apparated away. Harry took a deep breath and turned towards the dreaded place he used to call home.

*Trigger warning* Violence!

Harry entered the house, the floor creaking under his feet.

Ginny was standing at the top of the stairs, staring into nothingness.

"Um, Ginny, are you o-okay?" Harry stuttered.

Ginny stayed silent as she walked down the stairs. Her walking was steady; she wasn't drunk.

She was close to Harry now. She could feel Harry's breath on her jawline. Ginny hated how short he was. Once, she told Harry to go and get a magical surgery to enhance his height, but he refused. He didn't want to 'change himself'. He used the same excuse when she told him to fix his eyes.

"Harry..." She croaked. Her throat was sore.

"Y-yes, Ginny?" She could see his trembling hands.

She slapped him across the face. "Stop shaking." He tried to stop. His hands were still shaking a bit, but the only other motion his body made was the rise and fall of his chest.

"Why are you still here?" She asked. "Why haven't you left me yet?"

"Because I love you." He mumbled.

"Don't lie." She slapped him again. "Tell me. Why?"

".... I-I.... I love you?"

She slapped him again. Her hand stung. "Liar." She kicked his stomach. He fell back, landing on his arse. "Liars deserve to be punished." She kicked him in the face.

It was all a blur. She kicked and punched him for what felt like hours, even though the clock said only a few minutes had passed.

She pulled back. Harry was lying on the ground, shaking. He was gripping his stomach, and his body and face were covered with soon to be bruises. His glasses were broken, and his nose was bleeding.

"Leave. You can come back in the morning." Ginny grabbed the collar of his shirt and threw him out of the house.

Harry shakily stood up. He used the last of his energy to Apparate to Ron's house. He fell against the door.

Ron opened it. Harry fell in his arms. "Harry!" He pulled him into the living room and laid him on the couch. He closed the door with his hand and cast healing spells on Harry. Harry's nose was fixed, but he still had a couple of bruises.

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