Chapter One (edited)

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"DREW, there's someone on the phone for you!" my mom yelled from downstairs.

I ran down the stairs faster than ever before. I've been waiting for weeks to find out if I had gotten the part I auditioned for in the touring production of the show Newsies, one of my favorite shows ever.

Let me introduce myself, my name is Drew Elizabeth Braeburn and I'm 17. I'm a small and short (5 foot 4) girl with curly brown hair, bright blue eyes, and a face full of freckles. I live in the small, dreadful town of Shreveport, Louisiana. It's a tiny town that no-one knows about unless you're also from Louisiana. My dream is to get as far away from this place as possible and work in acting.

Once I made it downstairs I quickly grabbed the phone out of my moms hand.

"Hello! Is this Drew Braeburn?" a cheerful voice spoke through the phone.
"Yes it is!"
"I would like to congratulate you on receiving the part of Sniper in the touring production of Newsies!"

My mouth went dry. This is it. This is my chance to get away from this small town and live out my dream!

After a few seconds of silence I finally replied, "Thank you so much! I can't wait!"
"We will make sure to send all the information and contracts over and we will see you in three weeks to start rehearsals!" And with that the conversation was over and I was left standing there stunned. I was going to be a newsie. Is this real life?

My parents stared at me waiting to hear what the call was about.

"IM GOING TO BE A NEWSIE!" I screamed smiling like an idiot. My parents engulfed me in a hug with smiles on their faces. My mom pulled back and stared at me with tears in her eyes, "My baby's leaving us!" "We have to tell the whole family!" she gasped as she pulled her phone out to alert my siblings of the news.


Braeburn Crew

Mom: Guess who just got cast in the touring production of Newsies!
climbing lEgEnD (Sam): No way! Way to go Squirt!

(Squirt is the nickname Sam gave me when I was little, due to my obsession with Finding Nemo and the cute baby turtle)

the annoying bro (Matt): So that's what the screaming was about
personal waiter (Cole): Woohoo!
the BIG BIG bro (Luke): Congrats baby sis! So proud!
Me: Thank y'all! <3

~End Text~

Let me introduce you to my crazy big family. I have four older, annoying, and ridiculously goofy brothers. There's Matt who's 18 and just graduated, Cole lives in Shreveport, is 19, and works at a local restaurant, Sam's 20 and manages a rock-climbing camp during the summer but lives at home during the winter, and Luke who is 21 and goes to the University of Arkansas studying architecture. I love all of them with everything in me and would do anything for them.

After telling everyone the news I told everyone good night and headed to my room. I jumped on my bead with a cheesy grin thinking, this is gonna be the best year of my life.

A/N: Ok y'all so this is my first book and it probably sucks a lot and it is really short but it's the best I could do? Let me know if y'all want me to keep writing this? This probably isn't gonna get a lot of views or votes so I'm just going to keep writing until I feel like stopping and then if I get requests to update I will! Thanks for reading and please comment and tell me if you want an update!
       p.s. please let me know if you see any grammatical errors or spelling errors. i'm not the best with colons or stuff like that so just comment and tell me if I did something incorrectly!
      p.p.s. do y'all want me to do an instagram post thing or more of the texts??? i don't know if those are annoying or not so comment and tell me what you think!!
Thanks for reading!! BYEEEEEEEEEE

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