Someone by my side

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I called Mark just to say 'Hi' but we ended up talking for a little while.
"Hi Jackson!" Mark exclaimed with joy in his voice.
"I didn't think you would call since you didn't have a phone."

"Yea i know, but I'm at work and its kinda slow at the moment so... I figured I'd say Hi and bug you for a bit." I said to him trying to be cute or sound cool, but in all honesty i probably sounded like a geek.
"You work? Where do you work?"

"I work at the convience store by school. The one owned by Mr. Mall- i actually think he's your neighbor." I said slightly wanting to die. I sounded like a total creep or stalker. Oh... My lord i should hang up now before i loose my pride completely.

"Really!" Mark said excitedly over the phone. I imagened his face lighting up as he said it. "Thats not too far from my house..." The line got silent for a second, but i heard ruffling noise from the other line.
"Wait a moment and I'll come visit you really quick." I was shocked at Mark's words. He took me by surprise. "Oh! Mark you don't have to do that. Your probably busy or have stuff to do."

"Nope im good got nothing to..." Suddenly i heard a females voice in the background. She must have been speeking another language because i couldn't understand at all what she was saying, but after she stopped talking mark yelled back in the same language. "Um... Sorry about that." He said alittle embarrassed i assumed. "No no don't worry about it." I said trying to reassure him. "Is everything okay? I didn't get you in trouble, did i?"

"No! not at all, my mom was just saying i had to eat before i go anywhere, and that i better be going to the library." He said sounding bugged.

"Oh... Well if you are having trouble in school then i could help. We could have a study group." Mark hesitated to say something then later choked out a response. "No... Im not hanging out with you because your smart. I just thought it would be cool if we see each other more and not just at school."

His answer made me kinda smile. I was thinking maybe he didnt want to come off as using me to get good grades, but i just wanted an excuse to hangout with him i wanted to get to know him. "I know i just figured it would give us a chance to hangout, and an added bonus of not getting in trouble with your parents."
He lightly chucked. "Okay that doesn't sound too bad, so ill see you after i eat really quick. Ill also bring my backpack so it seems like im actually going to do homework."

I chucked a little at his last sentence. "Okay Mark see you in a bit. Bye"

"Bye." I hung up with Mark and felt butterflies in my stomach. I was so happy to have a friend-Finally someone that i can have a normal life with. This feeling felt so great. I never knew I would lose it so quickly.

After about two hours the door to the store flung open, and a sweaty breathless mark was in the doorway. His hair slightly sticking to his forehead, and he was breathing really heavy. He was wearing the samething from earlier, but he and a grey pull over instead of his green jacket. His bag was also scrunched in his left hand.

"H-hi Jackson." He said so out of breath.
"Hi Mark... Why do you look like you ran a marathon? Is your house really far?" He walked up to the counter, placing his bag on it and stading infront of me. "No... I just noticed that i was at home for awhile and realized i didn't ask when you get off of work, so i was worried you would think i stood you up. So i ran over here hoping to catch you before you left." I chucked at his excuse. Poor guy i probably should have mentioned that i work late so he wouldn't have to sprint here. "Haha... Sorry i work till eleven usually, so you could have taken your time." He smiled and rubbed the back of his neck. I went to the refrigerator and grabbed him a water bottle. He thanked me and drank almost half its contents. I then pulled out a second stool from the back so he could sit behind the counter with me.

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