chapter 5

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I pretended that I didnt have the vision for the time I waited for them to come. Skinner would come to my cell to give me updates of whats going on. My gifts didn't come back execpt for my vision. I was scared that they didnt come back at all.

Dorian would come to my cell to talk to me, mostly to try to get infomation out of me. I woud lie and say that i didnt get any or that M's plan will work and that he would rule the world. In which he would indiffrerent with either answer.

One day, Skinner came in and said," They're here."

I smiled, thinking of Tom.

"Great! Now knowing that M would leave and take me some time today, you need to hurry to them and come up with a plan, Ok ?" I whispered.

The door opened and a guard came.

"It's time to get ready.' he said.

I felt Skinner's hand on my shoulder and squeezed it.

By this time, my hair was down and for some reason became extremely wavy and down. The white dress ended at my ankles and the front was heart sheped, with long sleeves that hooked around my middle finger. I was also barefoot. 

I sensed that the league was here and I tried to contain my happiness.

M was in a room, getting his face shaved. I looked around and tried to not make eye contract with him.

"My dear Virgina, how are you?" he asked." Better if I wasnt chained the wall," I sneered. Which was true. As soon as I came in, they chained my ankle to the wall. they sat me down and M was on the other side of the table talking but I didnt hear what was being said, possibly realizing that the league is alive, complained about how they were not dead and how many times he has to try to kill them . I had a slight headache and my necklance glowed. One of the knives near me started to shake. I smirked on the inside.

"I have a deal for you," M said, as he moved towards me. He was getting into my face.

"I cna sell you to the highest bidder and let them have you do what they want or be mine as my lover," he said.

My answer: spit in his face ruining his smirk.

He glared at me as he wiped his face off. Then he slapped me and the chain around my ankle opened.

"Thats what it comes to, slappng bitches like me who defy you becuase they refuse you? How more pathic can you be?" I asked.

He ingored me and put the little kit together. Then I saw Tom and Quatermain. The latter gave me a signal to keep quiet. I nodded slighty. Tom was looking at me , and smirked , knowing that I was near him.

Quatermain and Tom sneaked behind him and cocked their guns. M heard them and put his hands up.

"Give it up M or should I say Professor James Moritaty," he said.

My eyes widen , it was the napolean of crime who wanted me, and I had the courage to spit in his. I noticed that someone was coming behind them. So I threw the knife with my mind at the man and killed him. M ran off grabbing me by the arm. I punched him in the face and threw another knife I found at him.

Tom grabbed me and pulled me closer to him. He kissed me quickly which I liked but thought it wasnt the time. He grabbed my hand and we followed Quatermain to chase M down. At one point, I was seperated from them. I ran around trying to find them. Then a man in armor and a flame thrower on his right hand.

My eyes widen and my throat had something in it. The last of my powers came back. I was a banshee again. How I know? I felt it in my gut.

I screamed cuasing the things in front of me to fall over and the flame thrower man to fall and crash.

It was to bulky to get up but for good measure I mentaly threw a knife into othe heart of his armor.

I ran to a weapons room where I found Quatermain laying down , gasping for air and Tom targeting someone out there. I ran to Quatermain and tried to heal him. but I guess that it doesnt work on others, only me.

I took the knife out of him and pushed onto the wound to try to stop the bleeding. Tom came back to us saying that he got M. Quatermain said his last words.. Saying that the next centuary will be Tom's like the past was his. Then he died

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