Chapter 2

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Valeria woke up just as she would have any day. Maybe except for Fridays. On Fridays she and her mother went to the public Coetus meeting. (At these meetings the Coetus handed out the newly made amulets to those whom they belonged to.) Valeria looked out the window waiting for the alarm systems to blare. (These alarms were put in place by the Coetus so no one could give any excuses to being late for work.) This was the Dominus's ideal world. All people were orderly and proper and if not they would certainly be sure to do so, whether by torture from the Coetus, or sometimes even death if you have gone to extremes.

Valeria always tried not to be startled by the alarms but they always seemed to catch her off guard. She jumped as the long "BEEEP" resounded through the town. She shook her head and shoved away her blankets and stood up. Dizzy with sleepiness, she stubbed her toe against the head post. She cursed then put her hand over her mouth. Mother Everly doesn't like cursing, she thought. She put on her uniform and went downstairs for breakfast.

"Would you like eggs Val?" Everly called.

"I'm not hungry." Valeria said in return.

"But you must eat something." She sighed in exasperation. "You haven't eaten in three days! Look at yourself!"

She looked. Her lace dress fit loosely above the hip bones, making Valeria look skeletal. Her face was sunken. Even to herself she thought she looked like a twig about to snap. She hated herself. Not only for doing this to herself, but for her lack of thought towards her mother. She should have known she was upset with her.

"I'm sorry I just... got a little carried away."

"Carried away with what?! "Torturing yourself?" she exclaimed angrily.

"I just don't feel-I don't know- right. I feel as if I am not supposed to be here... In this world I mean." She added seeing Everly's face darken.

"Well, you couldn't be any more wrong." Everly said with a strange defiance. "Now sit down and eat."


Valeria watched as the front door of their small house closed smoothly. She sat on the porch waiting for the bus which would take her to the Academy of Coetus. As it was her first day, Valeria was rather nervous. She sat down in the only empty seat but at the next stop a tall blonde haired boy sat down beside her without giving her a second glance.

"Hello?" Valeria said, amazed by his impoliteness.

"Hello." He said without looking up.

"Are you going to introduce yourself?" Valeria said clearly sensing his annoyance.

He seemed to give up, just then, and said very quickly, "My name is Andonus."

"I like that name." Valeria said not untruthfully.

Andonus sniffed. "Would you mind to share yours?" he said obviously trying to shift the topic of conversation from his name.

Valeria was startled by the rough edge of his voice. "Val- Valeria." she said.

Just for that moment she looked into his eyes and her mind started racing. Those eyes seemed to have a connection to the way she was feeling. He quickly jerked his gaze to outside the window, but Valeria was still staring, wondering if he had felt the same way.

"Can I see your hand?" Adonus asked suddenly.

Valeria hesitantly put out her hand seeing the look on his face. He looked almost... angry. He took her hand and held it between his palms.

As if sensing her uncomfortableness he said, as if the thought would soothe her, "I'm reading your palm."

"And how do you plan on doing that? I don't see any words on my hand!" She sighed as he shook his head. Now he looked agitated as if there was a bug zooming around his head. He bent his head over her hand and ran his fingers along all the folds and wrinkles in her young delicate hand.

"I don't understand..." Andonus started.

"Don't understand what? Valeria implied.

"I-I can't see the lines of your life. They are... indescribable.

Valeria snorted. "Like you can see lines of people lives by looking at their hand."

Andonus scowled at her as the bus jerked to a stop at the Academy of Coetus.

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