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Rayan's POV

I miss Asia, I wish I could tell her I love her just one more time. She was my everything. I didn't go to her funeral and I regret it so much. The last time I told her I loved her was before she went into the coma, I wish I could of prevented her death but the doctors told me there was nothing I could do. She was complaining about head pains and I thought nothing of it till she went into cardiac arrest.

Today Im going to her grave site and read her this letter I wrote, it says

Dear Asia,

I love you and miss you so much. I have so much regret for not going to your funeral, but I couldn't see you like that. How's heaven? I remember the time I flew you to New York just to visit Aaliyah's Grave. Then that time I camped out in line to buy you an iPhone 5s the day it came out but it was worth it because it was for you.

You were my everything and now your gone. I remember when the doctor told me you died and I completely lost it I couldn't believe the words that he was saying, I asked him to prove it and he took me to where your body was and I cried right then and there. I should stop writing now because this letter is almost soaked in my tears. Love you forever baby girl


I put the letter back in the envelope, got in my car and drove to the cemetery. I didn't know where her tomb stone was located so I asked the guards and they told me.I was looking through all the tombs stones till I found hers.I stared at it for a while.

I sat down on the ground in front of her grave and just thought about her.

I took out my letter and read it out loud and by the time I was finished with it I was crying really hard. people say real men don't cry but that's not true, especially when the love of your life dies unexpectedly. I started talking to her.

Asia why'd you leave me? You know I love you to the moon and back? I can't date anyone else because we were suppose to grow old together? I can't wait till I see you again. Please give me a sign that your listening to me.

As soon as I said that a leaf fell from the tree above her grave on top of my letter I placed by the flowers I got her.

I couldn't believe it, maybe it was a coincidence or the wind was just to strong. I looked up and seen her with angel wings and she started talking to me, I blinked just to make sure.

Rayan I love you too, Please find someone you can love more than me. I don't want you mourning over me and I want you to get back to your old self and keep your grades up. God has given me a mission and I'm going to fulfill it.

then she disappeared.....

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