Remembering Peter

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[Yellow box]
{White box}

~3187 Days Before~

"Wade," Peter laughed, "she's going to love you."

"Says you," Wade sighed. "What if she sees me and instantly vomits?"

She would. Everyone did. Well, except Peter, but he had Wade convinced he was crazy. First he proclaimed his love for him, then a month later he wanted to introduce him to Aunt May. There must be some medical term that described that amount of mental instability.

It was really too late for them to be having this conversation anyway, considering they were only two blocks from the woman's house. The cab driver was pretending not to listen in on them, but Wade could tell he was enjoying the drama he was eavesdropping on. Wade pressed himself deeper into the stained cushion of his seat and pursed his cracked lips. Peter reached over and rested his hand on his thigh. Wade gasped at the contact and Peter cooed, "You're beautiful, Wade. My aunt will adore you."

"How do you know that?" Wade insisted.

Peter grinned, "Because I adore you."

The cab driver snorted, but before Wade could tear his head off he said in a gravelly voice, "Here's your stop, boys."

Peter turned back to Wade and reassured him, "She'll love you."

"Right," Wade clenched his teeth. "Let's get this over with."

The walk up to May's door was excruciatingly long. Each footfall seemed to turn the ground to quicksand, slowing Wade down with every step. Peter took his hand and squeezed it, warily watching the scarred man out of the corner of his eye. It was all Wade could do to not start hyperventilating.

"You've killed how many people, yet meeting one old lady terrifies you?" Peter quirked an eyebrow, stopping and tugging Wade toward him. "Stop being silly."

"I'm not being...that," Wade grumbled. "But it's not just any old lady. It's your aunt, Petey, what happens if she hates me?"

"She won't," Peter responded fiercely. "Now shut up and come on."

He pushed himself onto his toes and pecked Wade's lips before dragging him the rest of the way to the door. May opened it before Peter could even knock. She was thin and wrinkled with a slight hunch, curly silver hair framing her face. A grin spread across her face and she pulled Peter into a hug. He said against her, "Hey, Aunt May, how are you?"

"Never better," she responded, pulling away and turning to Wade. "And how are you, young man?"

It took a moment for Wade to figure out she was talking to him. "I'm...fine, thanks."

May smiled warmly up at Peter, "Shy, this one."

With that, she pulled Wade into a hug. He was so shocked that it took him a moment to figure out how to return it.

"Not normally," Peter shook his head. "Aunt May, this is my boyfriend--"

"The one and only Wade Wilson," she stepped back and laughed at Wade's surprised expression. "I'm too old for formalities, boy. Peter won't ever stop talking about you."

"Right," Peter said, his cheeks reddening. "Shall we?"

"I suppose," May chuckled. "Come on in, Wade."

She didn't seem disgusted by his face. What a good actor. Peter laced his slender fingers in Wade's as they walked inside, not even letting go to take off his shoes. May smiled when she noticed, something unreadable in her soft eyes. "Peter, dear," she said suddenly, "could you go pick up some shredded cheese? I just realized, I forgot to get it."

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