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Derek POV

I was waiting at the spot stiles and I love in the Forest that happens to have a lake near by. I was just sitting at the top of the water fall until I get push off when I come up from the water I hear laughter where I was pushed off and see Stiles laughing making me smirk and say,"get in before I force you in."

Stiles looks at me and blows me a kiss before taking off his shirt and diving in. Stiles then pops up right in front of me. I smile a say," hey, how was your day?"

I put my hands around Stiles' waist and he answers ," we'll I worked on my Jeep manly and pushed my boyfriend off of a waterfall, how's your day been."

Stiles puts his arms around my neck when I answer , " had a talk with my dad and mom about being a Alpha. "

Stiles says, "oof that can't be fun, well let's try not talking about it."

I nod and mouth, "thanks" but then Stiles splashes me before turning around swimming away from me.

Few minutes later/ Third POV

The Hale came with a car and took out some tents and got all ready to go in the water when Stiles and Derek just payed side by side on a big rock. They were so tired from swimming that they didn't want to move. Peter yelled, "hey love birds, you good....?"

Stiles glares at Peter and yelled, "we're fine Peter stop being nosey."

Peter looks over to see his sister Taila say, "leave them alone Peter."

Taila then smiles looking up to see Stiles and Derek change into there forms to sleep.  Stiles and Derek were moving when the sunset started to happen.  Derek changed from his form to put up there tent because Derek was done with laying on wet rocks. Once Derek was finished he looked to where Stiles was laying only to see his little brothers playing with Stiles. Taila then comes up to Derek and says, "go get them ready for the pack run."

Derek nodded switching back to his wolf form and goes over to the three of them waiting for them to look at him and nods his head to the rest of the Hales changing to there wolf form. Max and Danny dash over to Taila  we'll Stiles sits up and nuzzles at Derek's neck.  When everyone is ready to begin the run, Taila howls to show that the run has begun.

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