Part 2

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Twenty minutes later they were at Flyedge. They jumped out of the car, Maddie Grabbed her book bag and then Dance bag from the car and then ran inside with Paris. "Locker 222- 31~37~47!!!!!!!" Paris yelled down the hallway approaching her locker, 223. "Paris! You brat!" Maddie said as they got to their lockers. "I didnt know I had huge boobs and a fake nose?" Paris replied. "Well on the bright side they wont steal anything.." Maddie said. "What?" Paris asked. "Mason took my phone.." Maddie said shrugging. "Oh gawd! Did you delete your messages?!" Paris nearly yelled. "No? Why would I?! Its not like my older annoying brother steals my phone every day!" Maddie said rolling her eyes. "Oh gawd.. Oh gawd.. Wait who have you texted since the last time you deleted your messages?" Paris asked while pacing. "Ummm... You, Mason, Alisa, Sa-." "OH NO!!!!!" Paris wailed and ran down the hallway. Maddie opened her locker and put her dance bag in there, along with a few celebrity pictures. "Kenny Loggins, Shinedown, and Nickleback." a boy said from behind Maddie, she swung around. She was shocked when she saw Sam standing there because Maddie and Paris's lockers were the last two at the end of the hallway-away from everyone else. "Uhh.. Hai.." Maddie said shutting her locker. "Can we talk?" Sam asked. "Yo! Sammy! Come here bro!" Mason yelled from the front of the hallway. "Later, you seem busy.. And I gotta' get to Homeroom anyway.." Maddie said walking down the hallway and into a room on the left.

*Maddie telling the story*

"Hi Maddie!!" My friend Lucas said to me. I walked over to him, "Hai," I say shyly. "Maddie, this is Jayden, Jayden this is Maddie. Maddie, Jaydens my new adopted brother!" Lucas said proudly. "Class please, take your seats." Mrs.Brittenham said. As Mrs.Brittenham took attendence we were aloud to talk, so I was using this time to get to know Jayden a little better. "How are you liking Lucas' family?" I asked Jayden shyly. "I like them very much." He replied... hahahaha he has a Australian accent... HOT. "Are you from Australia Jayden?" I ask. "Yes, Mate, I am." He's a really cute guy! But absoultly NOONE likes me... Whatever... "Mads?" Lucas was snapping his fingers in my face. "Lets go!" "Oops, sorry! Zoned out there for a second." I say grabbing my bag and exiting the room. I went to choir and then art and then to lunch. "Hey Mads, do you wanna sit with me at lunch?" Sam asks. "Ahh. Sure Sam." I say sitting down with him. I pulled out my water bottle and this protein powder stuff. "Vegitarean?" Sam asks. "Yupp." I reply and we finish are lunches-and drinks. :P

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