Finding Someone

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Finding Someone

"I found someone."

Her heart raced, her eyes sparkled. "A publisher? ReAlly?"

It was a month after Aaron and Ally had finAlly finished the book. They felt empty, without anything to do. So they busied themselves on finding the email of a publisher somewhere, to send the manuscript over. Aaron searched, and Ally typed the story, painstakingly, onto her laptop.

"Yeah, but her secretary made us call her back in a week."

"That's so exciting!" Ally said, smiling.

"Did you get your wand?" Jay asked on Cece's birthday. Cece smiled and held up a shimmering wand.

Next week, they finAlly left the treehouse to go somewhere. A dinner.

He was finAlly out of jeans, with slacks and a button down. Ally had a sundress on and they smiled at each other before walking down to a diner, with retro floors and fun decor.

"Fries and a cheeseburger please, with a strawberry milkshake," Ally smiled at the waitress. Aaron ordered the same with a chocolate milkshake.

"So, did you call the publisher yet?" Ally said, sipping her milkshake once the food was out. Aaron shook his head.

"I thought we should do it together, and maybe after dinner, just in case it might ruin our mood."


"But—don't worry. It's a great story."

"I'm worried. I'm nervous."

"Me too." They chewed on in silence, while the jukebox played on.

"But we can't let it get us down," Aaron interrupted, swallowing a bite of fries. He set his glass down and grinned. He pulled her up and led her to the dance floor, which no one ever used. Beckoning to the other customers, they joined, in pairs, for a fun dance. They panted along to the sock hop music and laughed the entire time, earning the applause from over twenty sets of couples.

"That was fun." Ally drank her milkshake halfway down to cool herself down, then dipped a fry into Aaron's shake.

"Hey—ew!" Aaron protested, snatching his drink away from her.

"No, I swear it's awesome. Try it," Ally insisted. Aaron reluctantly shoved a fry into the shake and then chewed.

"Dang—where has this been all my life?" Aaron grinning, taking another fry. They tested the strawberry shake and then finished the rest of the fries with the shakes, eating the burgers after another dance.

And then, they returned to the rooftop of the treehouse, happy and full. But then the life emptied out of their eyes as Aaron's phone buzzed.

"Hello?" The secretary asked.

"Aaron, the person you talked to yesterday? We're calling to see if we can talk to the publisher, a Mrs. Stenie?"

"Let me check," she said, pausing to ask the publisher a question. "Yes, you may. Please call this number." The lady gave Aaron the number and he dialed again.

Buzz. Buzz. Buzzzzzz.


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