Chapter One

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Princess Ramanda stood patiently with James and her sisters by her side. Ramanda was sixteen years old princess with blue eyes hinted with gold, tender beige skin, long and wavy golden-brown hair, and dressed in a long blue and gold dress, and flat, sparkly golden shoes. James was seventeen years old with glossy black hair, brown eyes, tender beige skin, and wore red and gold tunic, a golden-hilted sword, and a red feathered bonnet with a gold and white feather.
Belle was a fourteen year old princess with tender beige skin, medium-length and glossy dark brown hair, hazel eyes, and wore a yellow dress. Her twin sister, Isla has tender beige skin, medium-length and curly dark blonde hair, and sea-blue eyes.
At the end of the plank was a tall ship with high fore-castle and high poop, gilded and crimson, with a great flag at the mast-head, and many banners waving from the decks, and a row of shields that are bright as silver, along the bulwarks. The gang-plank was laid to them, and just at the about ready to go, stood her old, old father. He wore a rich mantle of scarlet which opened in front to show his silver mail-shirt. There was a circlet of gold on his head. His beard, white as wool, fell nearly to his waist. He stood straightly enough, leaning on the shoulder was Lord Drinian who seemed younger than the King himself but Ramanda could see he was very old and frail, his eyes were watery with tears.
In front of them was Lord Trumpkin the Red Dwarf on his chair in a carriage and harnessed to a little donkey: not much bigger than a big retriever. The Dwarf was richly dressed as her Father, but because of his fatness and was sitting in hunched up cushions, the effect was quite different: it made him look like a shapeless little bundle of fur, silk, and velvet. He was old as the King, but more hale and hearty, with very keen eyes. He wore a red and white furred hat. Ramanda, Belle, Isla, and James stood with Lord Trumpkin, and like any mischievous children they liked playing hide-and-seek surprise on Trumpkin, Trumpkin usually jumped in surprise and laughed along with the children.
Ramanda and her sisters felt sorrowful as the crowd. They heard that Aslan was at one of the islands, so King Caspian wants to make one more attempt to see Aslan and to see who would be King of Narnia after him before he goes on.
Ramanda and James can't be Queen or King of Narnia because their destinies were laying somewhere else, well at least that's what Aslan said when he and the Warriors first saw Ramanda and James a few years back. Even Aslan's Children and Pride and New Warriors of Narnia (known as Queen Emily the Prodigy, Miranda and Alexieses the Faithful and the Courageous Sisters, King Jake the Knowing, Benji the Loyal, Huma the Kind, Rami the Brave, Anya the Quick, Lucky the Fearless, Rainstorm the Swift, Amanda the Bold, Marina the Daring, and Aiden the Clever) had seen visions of Ramanda and James fighting for peace and freedom. Belle and Isla are only fourteen years old and Aslan didn't told them that they can become Queens of Narnia.
Humans, fauns, satyrs, dryads, minotaurs, centaurs, and Talking Beasts such as bears, badgers, hedgehogs, dogs, moles, leopards, mice, and various birds. Behind the whole crowd was two small but gentle Giants.
"My lord, while I'm gone you must be true to yourself and your word." said King Caspian, his voice cracked with sorrow and age, tears formed in his brown eyes but he refused to let them fall.
Lord Trumpkin nodded and wagged his head in a good deal. King Caspian turned towards Ramanda.
"Be a brave and loyal, my baby girls. Remember to always stay true to yourself and to follow your heart." murmured King Caspian to Ramanda and her sisters.
"You know we will, father." said Ramanda softly. "we'll be here waiting for your return." If you return, added Ramanda silently.
King Caspian nodded his approval and kissed the sisters' heads, then he turned to James, who had been taken in by King Caspian and Queen Lilliandil, and trained alongside Rilian, but Ramanda has feelings for James. (He had lost his parents to a fire in his cabin and his farm when he was younger due to King Miraz and his army).
"Look after my daughters, my son." whispered the King to James.
James nodded with forming tears in his dark brown eyes.
King Caspian raised his voice to addressed the whole court.
"My beloved family, my time is almost nearing and I have to go to meet Aslan in Terebinthia to see who would be King after me. I know that Prince James and Princess Ramanda might become King and Queen of Narnia, but they were borned to be the New Warriors of Narnia, till I return Lord Trumpkin, Princess Ramanda, Princess Belle, Princess Isla, and Prince James will be in charge." announced King Caspian. "now I must be off, but I thank you for helping me and fighting alongside me and the Royals of Narnia, I owe you a greater dept than I can ever repay you."
When King Caspian's speech was over, the King stooped down and kissed Trumpkin on both cheeks, raised his right hand as if an blessing, and went slowly and with feeble steps, up the gangway and on board the ship. Ramanda, James, Belle, Isla, Trumpkin, and the courtiers appeared to be moved by the King's departure. Handkerchiefs were got out, sounds of sobbing were heard in every direction.
Ramanda tried and failed to hide her tears going down her cheeks. One tear landed on her Narnian Warrior Pendant (which was silver-blue with a carving of a pegasus tighted to a silver-blue chain around her neck). She thought she saw a great and gigantic golden-bronze dragon with glowing and intelligent sea-blue eyes, a thick golden arm-band on his left upper arm that enflamed in the sunset, and his golden-bronze scales shimmered in the sunset. Next to the Dragon was a beautiful and slightly smaller gold-blue female Dragon with glowing and intelligent sky-blue eyes, a thick golden arm-band on her left upper arm that enflamed in the sunset, and her sky-blue scales shimmered in the fading light.
The two Dragons flew into the clouds and towards the departing ship.
Trumpkin gathered up the reins of his donkey and prepared to drive back to the castle. Ramanda mounted her young pale ginger mare known as Sunstrike, whose mother was Buttercup. James mounted his young chestnut brown stallion known as Wildwind. Belle mounted her dark bay mare named Luna. Lastly, Isla mounted a honey-colored mare named Honey.
The four of them were watching the sun setting over the horizon. They walked side by side towards the castle. Ramanda blinked a surprise when she saw Master Glimfeather the Talking Owl (he is a size of a good-sized dwarf with brilliant golden eyes) speaking to Lord Trumpkin with two children.
The first one was a handsome boy has sea-blue eyes, golden-blond hair, freckles on his fair skin, and a streak for a adventure. The second one was a beautiful girl with sapphire blue eyes, long golden-blond hair (most of her hair was pulled back into a neat braid), tender beige skin, and a unicorn charm necklace.
After they were finished speaking, Trumpkin singled Ramanda, Belle, Isla, and James to come closer.
"Who are they?" asked Ramanda to Trumpkin.
"Your dearest Highness, these children were sent by Aslan, himself from the eastern end of the world. The children's names are Eustace and Jill." said Trumpkin.
Ramanda smiled half heartily despite the sadness shimmering in her blue eyes. James smiled sadly and nodded his hello to the children. Belle and Isla smiled and blinked their tears away.
After that, Lord Trumpkin made his donkey go towards the castle, the donkey started half trotting and half waddling (the donkey was very fat) while Ramanda and the others followed him at a slower pace. The sun had set and the air was growing cool. They went across the lawn (that Ramanda, Belle, Isla, James, and Rilian used to practice their sword fighting and riding), through the orchard (that Ramanda, Belle, Isla, James, and Rilian had family nights, picked apples, practiced their climbing and archery skills), and towards the North Gate of Cair Paravel. Inside, there was a grassy courtyard. Lights were glowing inside the houses of the windows of the great hall on their right and more complicated mass of buildings straight ahead. Ramanda, her sisters, James, and Rilian used to come here every night to marvel the beauty.
Ramanda noticed that Lord Trumpkin was looking at her with a question behind his eyes.
"You wonder why I wandered around in Narnia." said Ramanda quietly. "mostly everything here (she gestured to the buildings, courtyard, and the orchard) reminded me too much of Rilian and my mother."
Jill and Eustace glanced at her with soft and understanding smiles.
Ramanda knew that these two children were the ones that could find her missing brother.

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