Chapter Two

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A young Knight in complete black armor with his visor down with no device on his shield and no banneret on his spear, and he was riding his black stallion named Coalblack. Next to him was a beautiful and grand Lady with a long, fluttering dress of dazzling green, long yellow hair, dark green eyes, fair-skinned, and rode on a side-saddle next to him on a pretty white mare horse named Snowflake.
The Knight soonly noticed five travelers coming off the ancient Giant bridge. Many stones of the bridge's pavement were missing and there was wide patches of grass fields almost everywhere.
The first traveler was very strange, he looked like a muddy frog and a man, the figure has a long, thin face with rather sunken cheeks, a tight shut mouth, and a sharp nose. He wore a high, pointed hat with an enormously wide flat brim and sort of lose clothes. His somewhat hair was greeny-gray, each lock was flat instead of round, like tiny reeds. His expression was solemn and wary, his complexion was muddy and has a rather serious view of life.
Walking alongside the stranger was four human children, two boys and two girls.
There was a handsome boy has sea-blue eyes, golden-blond hair, freckles on his fair skin, and wore a red-gold tunic, a red cape, and a sword tighted to his belt. The second one was a beautiful girl with eyes that are stunningly blue, crossing the color of the sky and the ocean with a bright twinkle, long golden-blond hair (most of her hair was pulled back into a neat braid), tender beige skin, a unicorn charm necklace around her neck, and wore a long red dress in the soft color of cherries, with a knife around her waist. On the other side was a handsome fifteen years old boy has glossy blonde hair, amber eyes, fair-skinned, and dressed in a dark blue tunic and a blue feathered  bonnet. Along with them was a pretty and tall fourteen years old girl with her eyes are stunningly blue, crossing the color of the sky and the ocean with a bright twinkle, long and medium-length golden-blonde hair stripped with three blue stripes on each side of her head, tender beige skin, golden tirra with sapphires, emeralds, ambers, amethysts on her head, two bracelets around her left wrist, and wore a red tunic with long white sleeves and boots.
The eldest boy and girl both have diamond rings, golden-hilted swords with a ruby and a sapphire, and two or three golden-chained necklaces. They both have spirits of dragons.
"Good day, t-r-r-avelers," cried the Lady out in a voice as sweet as a sweetest bird's song. "some of you are no doubt are quite young travelers to travel this rough waste."
"That's may as it be, Ma'am." said the Creature wary.
"We're looking for the ruined city of the Giants." said the fair maiden.
The eldest girl kept an wary eye on the Knight.
"The r-r-ruined city?" said the Lady. "that's a strange place to be seeking. What will you do if you find it?"
"We've got to —" began the girl, but the Creature interrupted.
"Beginning your pardon, Ma'am. But we don't know who you are your silent companion is, and that would be stepping over burdens, wouldn't it?" said the Creature.
The lady gave a beautiful and musical laugh. She started giving instructions to the non-Gentle Giants which gave the Knight a flash of guilt and sadness. 
The Knight looked down at the beautiful and spirited girl with a hurt pang. The fair maiden seemed more attached to the boy she's with than the Knight. The girl has eyes shimmered like sparkling diamonds that touched the lightest blue of the sky, her hair shone like spun gold, and her expression was kind, gentle, curious, and determined.
The Knight had never seen such calming beauty that somehow matches his long-gone and unknown mother, but the Lady he's with however has a creepy, dark beauty as a snake.
The young girl gave him a sympathetic and understanding look.
The girl has a wild, fun-loving spirit, like one of those white horses with glowing and magical golden horns. But then his Lady's voice got him out of his thoughts.
"Make sure you tell them," said the Lady. "That She of the Green Kirtle salutes then by you, and had sent two Southern children to the Autumn Feast."
"Thank you, thank you so much." said the young girl and boy.
The Creature and the two older children didn't say anything and gave his Lady light frowns.
The Lady had warned them that they should hurry to Harfang because the Giants shut their gates a few hours after noon. The Knight held his tongue when he wanted to blurt out that the Giants his Lady was sending them were Giants who would eat them for their Feast. He felt depressed and saddened that he wasn't brave enough to say so.
The two children thanked her again with shinning eyes, and his Lady waved to them. The Creature took off his steeple-hat and bowed very stiffly, as did the elder children.
Then the Knight and the Lady started walking away up to the slope of the bridge with a great clatter of hooves.
Maybe, I'll get to see her and her friends. thought the Knight sad hope. If they survive the Giants.

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