Meeting my Mate

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(Picture of Theo)

Talking to their cat
Theo's pov

I am stuck in a boring meeting with the kings from other prides that I am allied with. Closing my eyes I adjust my sunglasses. Even though closing my eyes won't make a difference since I have been blind for six years. Being a blind pride king is a constant struggle because I am constantly challenged by other kings because they think I am weak even though I am the rarest and strongest breed of werecat. As the kings talk I listen speaking only when I have too. As we start talking about rouges my second-in-command mind links me. ~Theo sorry to interrupt your meeting, but we have a rouge. We found him on the edge of the territory.~

~Alright, but can't it wait?~

~I'm afraid not. This rouge is only a kid late teens at most and a cheetah too. Plus Heath wants his way with the rouge.~

At the mention of Heath I can't help, but let out a small growl as I rub my temple. Which causes one of the kings to ask. "Is everything alright King Theo?"

Sniffing the air I figure which of the five kings voiced his concern. "Yes a small rouge problem just has seemed to occurred on my pride King Dexter could we call a break, so I could head to my pride to deal with it apparently the rouge is only a teen."

I could sense them all nodding in agreement as it is very rare for young werecats to go rouge even in their late teens. "Yes I agree we could all use a break."

I give King Dexter a greatful nod and leave my seat. Getting into my car I have my driver take me back to the pride. When I get out of the car I am greeted by my little sister Katie. "Theo Axle told me you were coming back. The poor thing is, so small and malnutrited and terrified of something."

I nod and let her loop her arm around mine, so she can guide me to the cells. When we open the doors that lead I smell the most breathtaking scent. It smells of vanilla, sweet fruit, and the forest early in the morning. Kyle my black panther lets out a happy growl as he shouts. "Mate! Ours'! Our mate!"

"Calm down Kyle we don't know for sure."

"Yes we do that us our mate! Ours' only ours!"

When we get down the stairs I can sense Heath bowing his head to me as he says. "My King I thought you were at a meeting with the allied prides' Kings."

I look towards the source of Axle's scent as he rises to his feet. "I called him. Theo is our King and he is the one who decides what happens to trespassers not you Heath."

Heath starts to growl at Axle, so I growl at him and snap. "Don't growl at your second-in-command."

That's when I hear my mate let out a frightened whimper which makes my head snap towards his direction. "Our mate need us to comfert them. They are terrified."

"Axle open the door."

"Are you sure Theo he could lash out he seems kind of terrified."

When Axle says he I can't help, but smile slightly because I am very much openly gay.

"Yes Axle I am sure."

Axle probably noticed the smile and happy tone in my voice because he mind links me privately asking. ~What's with you? You're acting rather happy for a rouge problem.~

While he unlocks the cell door I happily and proudly tell him. ~Mate.~

~Oh well congratulations its about time you found someone.~

As I let go of Katie's arm and walk into the cell she pulls her trick and sneaks into our private chat. By squealing happily in our heads, so loud we nearly hiss at her. ~That means he is going to be my brother-in-law and he is, so cute.~

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