Chapter 1 - Ab Ovo

21 1 0

Adjective - From the beginning

Word Count: 2343


It always surprised some people that Roman and Logan were partners. Logan was rational, by-the-book, very dry humored. He was one of the best detectives on the force, with the mental ability to connect even the most far reaching pieces of evidence. Roman was a dreamer, impulsive, excitable and occasionally easy to anger. His track record was full of slip up and infractions, but any of his coworkers could argue on the multiple accounts that his split second recklessness has saved their lives. Maybe that's why the worked so well: they were the compliments to each other's faults.

The two spent so much time together that they knew the other's next actions. So when Logan heard the radio at his desk about a pursuit after two bank robbers, he only had to stick his arm out before Roman had taken hold of his wrist and began dragging him outside toward their shared squad car.

"Roman, I do not see the point of me riding—what's the word—shotgun if you are simply going to pass me the wheel eventually." Logan asked as his partner put his hand out before heading over to the drivers side of the hover vehicle. Roman rolled his eyes at the assertion, and Logan took note of it. "Well, would I not mention it if it wasn't true?"

"Of course, that USUALLY happens." Roman drawled as he scanned the door open with his fingerprint. "But not tonight! I'm aiming to cut these two scoundrels off downtown." Logan signed, staring the timer on his watch before following Roman inside the vehicle.

"Please tell me how you plan on accomplishing this." Logan put on his seatbelt. Roman did not, opting to simply begin starting the car. "At you must have some semblance of a plan."

"17% good enough?" Roman didn't allow Logan to even beginning his objection before taking off at least 60 mph (or 96.5 kilometers per hour, as Logan much rather preferred. Metric system for life) in the last known location of the criminals. Logan's hands instinctively flew to the hand rests besides him as he was not yet accustomed to the higher velocities that Roman enjoyed so much. His knuckles became white as they flew around corners at speeds much higher than the speed limit.

"Are you sure that these high speeds are beneficial to our success? What happens if a pedestrian walks in front of the car?" Logan proposed, futilely trying to convince Roman common sense existed. The other simply shrugged, which didn't help. At all.

"We'll cross that bridge when we come to it."

"We don't have rivers or natural waterways that require this sort of infrastructure. So, please clarify what it is ..."

"Metaphor, Square Peg!!" Roman yelled as he took a sharp right. Logan's hands flew to the window to brace himself from the momentum that caused him to drift along with the car. When they were driving straight, he took a moment to rub the spot on his back where the armrest had dug into him.

"Roman, there's a safety feature that this car has that I highly recommend you utilize. It's called the BRAKE!!" A sharp raise in Logan's voice at the end was caused by another hard turn by Roman left. The latter simply chuckled.

"I know what I'm doing." Roman said, a determined look etched on his face. "They're on the left." Logan barely had time to look before they were speeding up even more.

But they were there: two men on the back of a hover bike, the one in the rear clinging on the first. The driver held firm yellow gloves to the steering wheel which he occasionally used to pull up the surgical mask on his face. The passenger had a similar one, but it was instead plain purple instead of looking like a snake face. His signature black hoodie flapped in the breeze as he looked right.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2018 ⏰

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