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Love is so stupid.

Utterly, stupid and unrequired. In this case unrequited even. Yet, Jimin can’t help the jumpiness he feels when he’s around his crush.

The brush of hands is something memorable. The friendly hugs almost too comfortable to break out of. The familiar eyes that shine near instantly when greeting him. It’s something Jimin has grown to crave. He adores every single quality of Kim Taehyung.

It’s become a habit to record such moments in his memory.

“I love you,” He blurted out once without giving it much thought. Only later to realize just how magnificently he had fucked up.

“I love you too, bestie.” Luckily for him, Taehyung is as beautiful as he is unaware. Though it doesn’t sit well with Jimin at times. He desperately wants Taehyung to acknowledge his feelings. This crush has been going on long enough for Jimin to long for a relationship.

He’s read terrible shoujo mangas— cringing at the heroine’s idiocy but fawning over the hero’s affection.

He’s watched countless romance films— almost too heterosexual but oddly cute.

He’s even looked up horoscopes— fuck the stars anyway. What do they mean a Libra-Capricorn relationship has only a lousy 34% compatibility? He’s going to prove them wrong.

He gives up thinking about his irrational crush deciding to focus on the present and suddenly is lost in the thrill that comes with dancing. He feels alive. The routine he is practicing is for his solo performance at the final showcase that decides their graduation as well as future careers. Their instructor handpicked Jimin for this specific solo performance and now it’s his mission to make sure he excels – especially since the piece he picked is not of Jimin’s liking. However, he only aims to impress the crowd, this is what he is meant to do.

He does just that as he’s practicing but just as he’s about to start his succession of turns-

“Hoseok, where the fuck are you?” A voice yells, a man rudely barging into the room demolishing Jimin’s concentration. He has caramel brown hair and warm doe-like eyes, only they seem distraught due to his panting.

“Who are you?” He asks and Jimin halts his inspection. How rude of this stranger.

“I’m just practicing,”

“Ok just practicing, you do realize you’re in the wrong room? Right now, it’s our time to practice.”

“It’s not like your team is here with you- Chill.” Jimin sighs.

He’s aware he’s not the only one preparing for the showcase. There are groups preparing their respective genres. He’s the only solo performance which causes a hectic schedule but Jimin doesn’t mind.

“And where is yours?”

“I’m practicing for my solo,” He informs proudly.

“Park Jimin!” The stranger announces, much to Jimin’s surprise. “Sorry, I saw the schedule and they had your name written there but hey… have you seen Hoseok?”

The name rings no bells.

“I don’t kn-"

The stranger exhales unsteady awaiting an answer.

“What performance are you in?” Jimin asks, reminded of something.

“Hip-Hop 2 and 3.”

And there it is, this person is far too early for his own practice. How odd of him to be so crass yet so punctual.

Fake Love 《Jikook》Where stories live. Discover now