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Taehyung should be ashamed for using Jimin to confront Hoseok’s endless rambling, but he doesn’t.

It brings him joy to note that the mention of someone in a relationship was enough to rile Hoseok enough to complain. Maybe next time he’ll use someone who’s single.

It was a slip of tongue when Hoseok kept calling Taehyung a traitor for watching the film without him; he simply just said he was out on a date with Jimin. Jimin, Jeongguk’s boyfriend. How on earth did that tick Hoseok off… he just mumbled an incoherent, ‘fine!’ and stormed away. To complain to Jeongguk no doubt.

Sadly, as entertaining this had been for Taehyung he decides to cut Hoseok some slack. He knows Hoseok doesn’t take relationships seriously but is it stupid of Taehyung to hope that the little gestures he has managed to earn from Hoseok are because of his personality and not because Hoseok could potentially be a player?

He had seen Hoseok walking around with the Hip-Hop group all reliable and radiating confidence. Confidence that no doubt came from being the dance leader of his group.

So, Taehyung had initially been caught off guard with the unrealistic dance moves that lead the seven people he was watching. He immediately recognized Jeongguk behind Hoseok at the right, following suit. He was impressive but nothing like Hoseok. Or maybe that was just Taehyung being drawn to him; developing a bias. Maybe this was a first-time thing; that maybe Taehyung wouldn’t show up at the same damn room on the same damn time to watch the same damn person the third day in a row.

For some reason, Taehyung was shy approaching Jung Hoseok and he was never shy.

Shy is not a bad trait. He sometimes wishes he was shy but if people like Taehyung didn’t initiate and everyone was a huge introvert – like Jimin – how would the world ever progress forward? The world needs people like Taehyung to function socially. And it was with that assurance that Taehyung had decided to seek out an acquaintance. Indirectly. He grabbed Jeongguk’s shoulders once he was sure they were alone and Jeongguk had looked at him all weirdly.

“Taehyung? What’s wrong…”

“I need your help…”

“Oh? With what?”

“I need to talk to your dance lead.”

“Jung Hoseok?” Jeongguk could have very well alerted the whole damn lobby if Taehyung hadn’t silenced him with his own palm.

Hoseok was every bit of wonderful Taehyung had expected him to be. He was all the right things: self-assured, thoughtful and passionate. Passionate about dance and perhaps passionate for other things as well.

The crush just developed. Out of no-where and though Taehyung’s had plenty crushes in the past this was one was different. It was the type where he’d get jealous in excess when he’d see Hoseok all over Jeongguk pinching his cheeks and cooing at him. It was stupid from Taehyung because he knew Jeongguk was either single or not interested in Hoseok, that way…They were the best of friends.

Taehyung tried to distance himself from Hoseok at one point in time but found it very hard to do. Soon, Hoseok became Hobi, and the feeling Taehyung would get when Hoseok would wear a smile and laugh wholeheartedly at some awful joke Taehyung made (they were bad pick-up lines), Taehyung stupidly thought that maybe Hoseok would like him too. He confessed only to be met with a judgmental glare and a stream of apologies.

Still, Taehyung couldn’t shy away from Hoseok. Not even once. He became rather closed off with him but never ignored or tried to avoid Hoseok. They bonded well together and were genuinely happy when provided each other’s company. That is why when Hoseok initiated a kiss between the two, Taehyung was soon to follow.

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