The Invitation...

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5 Years Later...

Hermione, who was sleeping peacefully in the arms of her beloved husband, woke up to the sound of the chirping of birds and sun-rays peeping through the closed curtains. Instantly, the former Gryffindor Princess snuggled in the hold of her husband; none other than the former Slytherin Prince - Draco Malfoy; whose lips tugged upwards in a smile.

During his Hogwarts days, had anyone told Draco, that he would fall in love with and get married to the bushy-haired, buck-toothed, bossy-insufferable-know-it-all mudblood and lead a happy life, he would have laughed at the person and immediately got them admitted to St. Mungos! But now, he could not even imagine a second without her; let alone his life. He let Hermione cuddle him because he knew that it made her happy. Draco was a content man, leading a blissfully happy married life, with a beautiful wife, an adorable son and friends, and family who cared for him and meant the world to him; despite his past as a death-eater! Having both his parents approve of his marriage was like a cherry on top of the cake. He remembered how his mother had accepted Hermione as a daughter and how his father tried to be civil with the witch; however difficult, it had been for him initially. Over the period, Lucius and Hermione had warmed up to each other to a greater extent; both had worked on their relationship. Now all their banters, and arguments would purely be in humor, all the bad blood between the two long gone.

Hermione was a happy woman too! She had Draco - who loved her beyond words could describe - their son - Scorpius 'Scorp' Hyperion Malfoy - who was a combination of both of them as well as parents-in-law who had come to love her as their daughter; and their friends, who had not turned in on her! She continued her fashion designing; starting a label of her own - named H.G.M., with Daphne, Astoria, and Pansy being her models most of the time.

Albeit it had been five years since Hermione had last seen her so-called friends, she was still hurt at the fact that none had believed in her or tried to contact her! If Ginny's outburst had saddened Hermione, it was Harry's silence that had deeply anguished her. She could understand Ginny's behavior to some extent, but the Boy-Who-Lived or the Boy-Who-Couldn't-Take-A-Hint-And-Die (as her husband preferred to call Harry Potter), had not once tried to listen to Hermione's part of the story. She had wanted to meet him and let him know what exactly had conspired between Ron and her; but Harry had refused to - having been caught in between Ron, Ginny, and Hermione. So after all her efforts went futile, Hermione realized that it would be better than she forgoes of her old friends and lives in the present; which was gazillion times better than her past. They - DraMione - had managed to keep their personal lives a secret; not because they feared the reaction of the society, but because both valued the privacy of their family and themselves more. At the same time, it wasn't that much of a secret, for apart from their friends and family, there were a few people who knew about them - Hermione's favorite Transfiguration Professor - Minerva McGonagall, Narcissa's long-lost sister - Andromeda Tonks, few of Hermione's Gryffindor friends (who had enough trust in her) and last but not the least - George Weasley! Yes, the last person on the list had surprised Hermione the most!

She had bumped into him on a small visit to the Diagon Alley, and George asked her what exactly had happened between his brother and her. Once Hermione was done narrating the truth, George was a bit red (with anger) and Hermione slightly teary-eyed (since out of all the people, it was George who was willing to know her side of the story); something neither Ginny nor Harry had! But Hermione was grateful towards George and thus had been formed, a friendship between the two Gryffindors; and much to Hermione's surprise, Draco and the other Slytherins had gotten along well with him. They had stayed in touch all these years without anyone except for George's wife - Angelina - knowing about it. He had also attended DraMione's wedding and was informed about their son Scorpius too.

"Morning Mia (Draco's nickname for Hermione), Draco said, pecking his wife on her cheek; a gesture Hermione returned happily. "Morning Drake (Hermione's nickname for Draco)!", said Hermione.

Once Hermione was done with her morning chores, she got took off to get Scorpius ready. Soon Draco joined them, and the trio made their way to the lawn of the Malfoy Manor, joining Narcissa and Lucius for breakfast. After wishing each other good morning, the Malfoy's began to devour on the breakfast Narcissa had prepared with the help of Honey - their house elf. Honey was treated and paid very well - courtesy, Hermione's influence! The brunette witch pondered on how things had changed drastically in the past five years as she watched her parents-in-law adore their grandson. Their little family mo was disturbed when Draco's owl - Leo - came flying; carrying what looked like a letter. Leo dropped the letter in Draco's waiting hands and flew around the Manor. The Malfoy's were surprised to see Hogwarts' seal on the envelope and that it was addressed to Mr. and Mrs. Draco Malfoy! Hermione nudged Draco to open it; which he did.

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy,

This year marks the fifth anniversary of the Second Wizarding War, and there is a reunion held on its account. I am pleased to invite you for the same.
Hermione, I know you might be in dilemma, but I would be happy if you and Draco are present. Besides, I think it's time for the Wizarding World to know the truth! Affirm your presence soon.

Minerva McGonagall

DraMione (Hermione more than Draco), was skeptical about attending the mentioned reunion; on the one hand, she did not want to upset her favorite Professor, while on the other hand, she did not want to see her former friends. "I would suggest you two attend this reunion!", suggested Narcissa; since Hermione was lost in her thoughts. All eyes transfixed on the senior Mrs. Malfoy. "I know you are hurt my dear, but you have not done anything wrong, and it's about time that everybody knows the truth. Plus, if you would be absent from the event, suspicions will grow, and you wouldn't want that, would you?", Narcissa added politely. "I think Cissa (short for Narcissa), is right Hermione! You had not done anything wrong; so don't be afraid about going to this reunion of yours! Besides, we Malfoys don't fret about something so trivial!" Lucius added, with the famous Malfoy smirk.

Pondering over her parents-in-law's words, Hermione took in a deep breath and announced, "I am ready to go." "We are ready!", Draco corrected Hermione, putting his hand over her's and nodding at her in assurance.

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