The Past...

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The second wizarding war was over; Voldemort was defeated, and the right side had triumphed.

Amidst all the deaths and sorrow, the wizarding world finally had something to look forward to - a normal life without Voldemort.

Hermione had kissed Ron in the Chamber Of Secrets because that is what she had then felt was right and thought that it was what was expected - for Ron and her to end up together (as a couple) - and that is what had happened, or so Hermione had then felt. Everyone was happy for Ron and Hermione, the two-thirds of The Golden Trio.

Things went smoothly for the first few weeks of their relationship, with Hermione appearing for her N.E.W.Ts and Ron and Harry, directly training for being Aurors; being offered the post because they, along with Hermione, had defeated Lord Voldemort, the dark wizard. Hermione too had been made the same offer but had declined it, wanting to complete her education first thoroughly. However, just a little more than a month after they (RoMione) had been official, had Hermione begun to observe behavioral changes in Ron. He would give her lesser time, brush her off, and always would get ticked off quickly! But being the naive girl (when it came to the relationship) that she was, Hermione thought that it was due to his Auror training and work, that Ron behaved the way he did.

Months passed away like that, and it was their six months' anniversary the next day, and Hermione wanted to spend the day with Ron and even talk to him about how his behavior hurt her; hoping that he would understand. Hermione had cleared her N.E.W.Ts with all straight 'O's; after all, she was the brain behind The Golden Trio and wasn't called 'The Brightest Witch of Her Age' without a reason. Immediately after, Hermione had joined the Ministry Of Magic, in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures; and had been admitted to the highest post, due to her academic achievements, N.E.W.Ts scores as well as her contribution in the second wizarding war; earning much more than Ron did.

After she was done for the day, Hermione apparated to Hogsmeade for a stroll. She loved the place as she many-a-times went there to unwind herself after a tiring day at work, and it somehow calmed her. After a long relaxing walk, she decided to go to The Three Broomsticks, to get her favourite drink - a Butterbeer. While she made her way to the said shop, Hermione heard some hushed sounds in one of the alleyways; and her curiosity got the best of her. So, getting her wand out (just in case), she slightly peeked over and what she saw made her stomach repulse - her so-called boyfriend was snogging Lavender Brown against the wall (and they were in an indecent position).

Numbness was what Hermione felt as she inadvertently stepped backwards and scolded herself against shedding a tear for her poor excuse of a boyfriend, well now, ex-boyfriend!

Running away from the scene, Hermione disapparated back to the apartment she shared
with Ron, and with the use of magic, packed her stuff into a trunk; which she had shrunk, making it convenient for herself to carry it. She then apparated herself to the Leaky Cauldron. Thankfully for her, nobody spoke about her being there, that too with her luggage.

The next day, Hermione kept contemplating what she would do next; ditching Ron on their anniversary. Having spent the entire day to herself - as she had taken a leave from her work for what was supposed to be Ron and her day; Hermione apparated back to the apartment she shared with Ron...only to find it empty. A little late than six in the evening, the door to the apartment burst opened and a visibly furious Ron walked in; and seeing Hermione, exclaimed in an accusatory tone, "Where have you been!?" "Here.", came the witch's reply. "Do you even realize what today is!", Ron yelled. "I do! It's our anniversary!", Hermione scoffed at him. "And you stood me up; that too on our anniversary!", Ron screamed at Hermione, incredulously. That made Hermione mad, and taking a step forward, looking at Ron dead in the eye, in a sinister voice said, "Don't you dare use that tone on me Ronald Billius Weasley; especially since you have been snogging Lavender Brown, for Merlin knows how bloody long!"
"Wh-What!?", Ron faltered backwards. "Quit the innocent act! I saw the two of you in Hogsmeade last evening! And you are accusing me of ditching you?!", Hermione said, deadly calm. "Why?", she asked, still calm! "It's all your bloody fault!", Ron blabbered, unable to think of a better reason. "How are you cheating on me; my fault!?", Hermione asked him, aghast! "It's your fault that you are a boring, bossy book-worm! You chose school over me! You earn better than me!", he reasoned. "Lavender, on the other hand, is passionate, unlike you! She knows how to kiss and make me happy; you did not!", Ron spat further. "That's because I am dedicated and hard-working, you dimwit! You would not even have become an Auror if Harry hadn't!", Hermione answered, ignoring his remarks; holding back her tears. For the brightest witch of her age, how stupid had she been!? "How long?", Hermione questioned Ron about his infidelity; after a moment of deadly silence. He mumbled something under his breath. "How long!", asked Hermione, raising her voice. "Five months!", shrugged Ron. Hermione felt as if the floor beneath her slipped! How could she have been so dumb! All the while, she had thought that Ron behaved the way he did was due to work; when in reality, he was cheating on her! Schooling her emotions, Hermione walked closer to Ron, and deadly holding his gaze said, "We are done, Weasley! There wasn't us in the first place, but we are done! Go run to Lavender for all I care!", and with a flick of her wand, disapparated to the Leaky Cauldron.

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