1. Idea

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September 2016, Poland

Crazy things happens recently. Finally summer ended so as my summer work. I had super hard and in the same time very, very amazing experience there. And finally in have some money! It was very depressing time if we're talking about weather, but I met such a great people. It was almost two years ago, however sometimes melancholy kicks me and I just want to come back to this carefree summer.

Anyway, I'm right after ceremony of first day of school... you know all that stuff 'We're welcoming all students back to school, hope you all go to hell.' Yeah, we're happy just like our teachers to be back... As usual in the evenings I'm sittling with my family and we're watching some stupid TV shows we're obssesed with. School didn't even started and I'm thinking about next vacartion already, it's important for me since it's the longest vacation in my life. I'm in the last class of high school, after exams in May I have almost four months to do whatever I want before going to the university. I always had a lot of ideas, this is why my friends used to say I have my head in the clouds.
'Mum, I'm thinking that maybe after high school I can work for some time and then maybe go to Italy for three weeks, just backpacking it would be a lot of fun!'

I was alwas super close to my mum, she's more a friend to me, we have that special connection that we can almost hear our minds. All my life we were so different in physical and psychical way. She's black straight hair, blue eyes and just love to be extremely tanned, super positive person with huge understanding for people. I have blond curly hair, green eyes, I love sun, if I'm tanned it's only natural I've never tried lamps like she does, I'm more coplicated, I love smiling and don't care about other people opinions, but somedays I can just spend in my room without food or sleep and just draw or read a books. After my little rebel stage, I could see more her in me than I thought. To be honest I'm very proud of that right now, I wanted to be like her, have her courage, honest smile and that huge charisma. I'm still working on all this points and I'm better and better.

She just looked at me and said 'Why don't you go to USA for three months? My cousin is living on the east coast I'm sure she wouldn't mind to show you New York'
That was super exciting. But right after that one phrase she said actually changed my life forever. 'Wait, maybe you can go there for a year? Remember my friend from work, French teacher? She was au pair there, and since you want to leave Poland after studies, you can go there and learn language at least. We have some brochures at my school about that program, I'll take one for you tomorrow.'
I was stunned. ALL YEAR IN USA! Cosmos!

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