Chapter Two

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"Humans…are nothing but trashes…"

"He broke the one rule that I forbid the entire Heavens child do."

'Who is it…?'


"But father, Susano doesn't deserve any of this. I can understand why he wants to destroy the humans once and for all but to punish him for his entire life…I do not think that justify of his actions. He's a kind god who loves the living beings…he deserves a chance to live his lifetime out of the cage…"

"I love you, Susano-kun"


“Ojou-sama, you shouldn't be walking around just yet. You need to rest. Your father will be furious if you don’t get more rests” Totsuka frowned as he pushed the little lady of his, back into the bedroom as he shoved her into the bed, covering her body with the peach colored blanket.

She furrowed as she pushed the blanket down, she looked at her childhood friend aka her personal butler who grew up together with her, “Mizu-chan, you worry too much. I’m already fine.” He frowned at the nickname, “Please don’t call me that.” He reminded her. She grinned at him; she knows he does not like to be call as such ever since he volunteered to be her butler/attendant after several of the butlers and maids in the past quitted due to her playful demeanor.

“Then, you should stop calling me Ojou-sama.” He sighed as his shoulder fell, “If that would get you to rest, then fine. Setsuna.” He grumbles. He often wonders how he can befriend with this carefree girl for such a long time but at the same time, his heart grew fond of this girl.


She snapped out of her thoughts. She looked outside the window as she furrowed. Totsuka straightened his back as he pulls the blanket over her, urging her to lay down, “Setsuna, what’s wrong…?” he followed her line of sight out of the glass window, trying to find what she was looking at.

“I don’t know…I just heard someone calling for me…” her sea blue orbs searching for the source of the voice but she could not, “Who…?” he asked. He could have sworn no one was calling for his young lady since only the two of them in the large bedroom, so how did she.

He cleared his throat. “I’m sure it’s just in your head.” She looked at him as he urged her to rest, “Get some rest for now. Your father has requested me to assist him in some of his work. I must see to it that you rest, and then I will excuse myself for the time being.” Then he excused himself.

The wave’s hits hard onto the cliffs. Her heart felt heavy seeing the ocean she loves so much looking so rough, never in her entire life of living beside the ocean has she seen it like this. The ocean has always been calm and gentle. She sighed as she finally lay down onto the bed, her blue orbs stares at the white ceiling; slowly she fell asleep upon the sound of the sea waves.



“No one understands. Everyone only judges people by what’s on the outside.”

“They’re only thinking for themselves!”

“Trusting is … for idiots!”

"Thank you, for being my friend."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2014 ⏰

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